Your Daily FoodScope for July 14, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Do something healthy for yourself today. Start by putting down that blueberry muffin and picking up a carton of non-fat yogurt and a banana. Healthy eating alone won't give you six packs abs; you'll need to do some exercise as well. But it's a great start towards a new and sexier you.


Lifestyle differences can lead to romantic complications, like when a meat eater meets a vegan. This could be you today, so be prepared to make sacrifices in the name of love. So what if tofu burgers taste different from beef. Smother it in ketchup and you won't know the difference.


You may detest errands as waste of time, but sometimes they need to get done. For instance, if your refrigerator is stocked only with leftover Chinese, one beer and a gallon of milk that's smells like a corpse, it could be a good day to hit the supermarket.


The single life means you not only have to cook for yourself, but clean up afterwards. It could be time to find a significant other, a hot cookie who will steam your glasses and get your stomach in a knot. Cooking is always more fun with two, and you can flip a coin to determine who does the dishes.


Too many dinners at four stars and buying expensive treats could be draining your finances, so it may be time to trim away some fat. Eliminate needless spending today, especially on pricey foods. You don't have to live on Top Ramen, although that might help.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Today will be a good one to light a fire under new projects or plans. But it's always best to prepare the kitchen before you start cooking. Once you get organized you'll find that the meal will pretty much cook itself, and then all you'll have to do is sit back and let others feast on your tasty creation.


The only thing you'll harvest from holding grudges is a lot of bitter fruit. Offer the olive branch of forgiveness today, and then break bread with your former enemy. It's amazing the friendships that develop over a good meal, and you'll be wondering what curdled your milk in the first place.


A friend may ask you for a favor that's supposedly as easy as pie. Of course, it'll be anything but, and you'll waste an entire day. Asking for cash payment would be tacky. Demand dinner at a restaurant of your choice, and think twice before doing any more favors.


Annoying coworkers will get your kettle boiling today, and that high pitched whistle is the sound of you about to blow your top. You may need some soothing chamomile tea to calm your nerves, although you'd rather have something stronger, and maybe loaded with gin.


Your surgeon-like skill with a carving knife makes you invaluable at family functions, holiday dinners and bar mitzvahs. There's no ham, turkey or prime rib that can stand in your way. You might want to think about medical school. Someone as skilled as you should be using these powers for good.


You often find yourself offering sharp criticisms of other people's skills, especially in the bedroom and kitchen. In both cases, nothing is ever as you like it, and you usually wind up going hungry. Perhaps the problem isn't with them. Maybe you're the wet noodle.


You wouldn't want to be in the restaurant kitchen to see what's happening to that steak you returned. You might never eat out again. Sometimes it's best to be happy with what you have, no matter how flawed, and move on. There are a lot of other restaurants in town.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.