Your Daily FoodScope for January 24, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Showing friends how generous you can be may not work out the way you'd like today. They won't mind watching you scarf down an extra large slice of cheese and mushroom quiche. But they will take umbrage at having to share the one bagel you'll buy for the group of them.


You'll lively up a dull Sunday by eating something spicy. But you may find that Szechuan garlic prawns with chili peppers may be hotter than you thought. Don't use water to quench that fire, as it'll spread the heat. Something starchy like rice or bread will help put out those flames.


You'll start the day with the boundless energy of Richard Simmons, but it'll flag as the day wears on. A hearty lunch of savory Irish stew and a green salad could have you leading the troops again, but don't wear the striped mini pants and sequined tank top. You'll look like an idiot.


Watch out for grasping, greedy people coveting your stuff today. It could happen anywhere and at anytime. You could be at your favorite deli with an award-winning Reuben with cole slaw and fries, someone will yell 'Hey! Look over there!' and BOOM, that Reuben will disappear.


Your day will be as action-packed as a Jackie Chan movie. You'll be hungry after vanquishing your foes so go somewhere for dinner. Hmmm, Chinese, anyone? Order a Szechuan chicken and garlic dish so fiery that it would give even the invincible Mr. Chan a run for his money.

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Be careful if friends invite you on shopping sprees today. It could be their way of saying 'Come flush your money down the toilet with us.' Show restraint and use your cash for something sensible. And no, that doesn't mean boxes of expensive bon bon's and pricey champagne to wash 'em down with.


You'll be the center of attention at the Italian restaurant today. Could it be because of your stylish fashions or for the way you'll order the chicken ragu on fettuccine with the aplomb of Tony Soprano? In actuality it'll be because you'll be wearing most of it on your expensive Italian silk shirt.


It's not like you to be passive, but that's what you'll be today. So you'll gladly let yourself be manipulated by others. So expect finding yourself gorging on greasy, fattening foods like nachos and burritos with the works. You won't mind as long as it's something you don't have to think about.


Give yourself plenty of time when planning complicated projects today. It could spell the difference between success and a big messy failure. So make sure you know exactly how long to cook that pot roast before serving it. It would be embarrassing if it moos when you slice into it.


Take care of home projects you've been putting off today. You may complete them with more ease than you expected. This will give you the rest of the day to do whatever you want. If that mean lying on the couch dunking Oreo cookies into chocolate milk while watching football on TV, then so be it.


You may meet friends from your bohemian youth who are still living the hippie-dippy lifestyle. You may envy their free-spirited ways and be tempted to revert. But one taste of a tasteless a tofu and veggie burrito will have you running back to the safety of your BLT's and Reuben sandwiches.


Throw out your old eating habits in favor of new ones today. This could mean tuning your back of pizzas, cheeseburgers and nachos. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but your new diet of salads, chicken breasts and salmon will have you soon forgetting your old friends.

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