Your Daily FoodScope for January 22, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Today will be full of people who go out of their way to agitate you. It may get to you, but don't show it. Have your revenge later when the office fills with the intense aroma of your leftover pot roast and mashed potatoes lunch you'll have for lunch. And, guess what? You won't be sharing!


Romantic entanglements may have you riding an emotional roller coaster today. But don't let that get in the way of completing your work. You can wallow in self-pity at home tonight with some comfort food. But eating meatloaf and mashers all alone won't have the same consoling effects.


It seems as if all of your money is spent on bills. While it's good to keep your head above water, sometimes you just need to splurge. So take yourself for a seafood dinner heavy on the crab and shellfish. Just slap it on your credit card. You can always pay for it later.


Today will be a very good day as everything goes your way. You could get that raise, snag a date or the weekend or win the lottery. But the best will come when your business card is pulled out of a fish bowl at the deli, and you'll win a free roast beef sub and bag of chips!


Showing off your largesse doesn't always have to take the form of snatching the check at dinner, you know! Rather than flexing the plastic, show off your elaborate culinary creations to your favorite pals. Their praise will be nourishment for the soul.

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Use your free time this weekend helping others by volunteering your time at a soup kitchen. This could give an opportunity to give back to others, and to see for yourself whether the soup is of a creamy variety like chowder, or thin and brothy like chicken noodle.


You'll be overwhelmed at work today but avoid curling into the fetal position. The weekend is only hours away and there's bound to be a happy hour stool with your name on it somewhere. So get together with your pals for after work beers and Buffalo wings, not necessarily in that order.


You'll do a friend a favor today, but you'll expect immediate compensation. Oh, it's not money you're interested in. It's dinner at an upscale Chinatown restaurant that you're angling for. You won't know whether to have the Peking dumplings or soft fried fish, so go for both -- and the shark fin soup!


A pre-work yoga session today will leave you feeling spiritual and mellow. So follow that with a breakfast that matches the serenity of the morning. Scrambled egg whites, wheat toast with marmalade and yogurt will capture your energy, and feed your spirit -- at least until lunch!


The weekend can be a time of wanton eating and drinking if you're not careful. So keep your health in mind as you make plans for the next few days. Healthy snacks like fruits, nuts and trail mix will keep you energized, and possibly offset the effects of the other crap you'll bombard your body with.


Be mindful of the tone of your voice when dealing with others today. Sounding sarcastic and condescending could be insulting to people, especially in public situations. So when at lunch it may be best to keep your mouth shut. It would really suck to get hit in the face with a slab of really hot lasagna.


Your relationship with someone special is on the rise. This bodes well for a romantic weekend, so plan on a candle lit dinner tonight in the privacy of home. With the right music and ambience, your date might not notice that you're serving alphabet soup and American cheese sandwiches.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!