Your Daily FoodScope for January 19, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Playing sports today could fuel your competitive fire. A game of pick-up basketball or indoor touch football after work will be perfect. You'll release stress and also earn the right to eat without guilt. A nutritious dinner of grilled T-bone and baked potato will keep the fires burning.


It will behoove you to listen to people whose viewpoints differ from yours today. Opening your mind may lead you to new experiences. You may actually come to appreciate the health benefits of a vegan diet even if the faux chicken doesn't taste exactly like actual chicken.


Seeing your work ideas put into action will give you a supreme feeling of self-satisfaction today. But don't let it swell your ego. Coworkers will notice a difference when at lunch when you gloat how you can afford the steak and lobster while all they're having are measly salads.


You may have to curb your impulses to pig out today. Eating is a stress reliever for you, and homemade cupcakes give you the feeling that everything's going to be okay. You may try to resist, but the sight of all those multi-colored jimmies will have you diving right in.


Your personality can be as overblown as a five-tiered wedding cake. Some people just can't handle that much sugar. So pare it down to the size of a cupcake today. You'll be easier to handle while still being just as yummy.

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Overbearing people will test your patience today. You don't have a magic wand to make them all disappear, so try to distance yourself from them. You'll try not to be noticed as you sit alone in the corner of the cafeteria, but the pungent aroma of your homemade chili will draw them right to you.


Details won't matter to you today as you show more interest in the big picture. This will be true even at dinner tonight. You won't care how many herbs and spices are in the fried chicken batter or how much butter is in the mashed potatoes. All you'll care about is satisfying a mighty hunger.


Problems at work could have you questioning your career path. This could be a temporary hiccup, so don't make any rash decisions. Think about your choices at lunch today. But charging your tuna tartar and Dungeness crab sandwich to the company tab may tell you how lucky you actually are.


It may be impossible to jet off to Hong Kong to indulge in your favorite cuisines today. But there's bound to be authentic HK restaurants that serve the real McCoy. It may not be the same dining in the glittering city on Victoria Harbor, but the roasted duck and shark fin soup will be 'zang!'


You'll want to tear into a porterhouse steak so big it looks like it came from a T-Rex. Too bad all you can afford is a measly hamburger. Mull over career options as you slather that baby with catsup to make it taste better. You can't eat hamburger for the rest of your life.


You may be seeing sudden changes as you embark on that dynamic new diet. But rapid weight loss is typical in the beginning. You'll soon plateau so don't get frustrated. All of those chicken breasts salads are already paying off. Wait until you see how good you look come summer.


The office will be abuzz as news of a refrigerator thief breaks out. So you may have to keep a watchful eye on your lunch. Move your desk close to the fridge and monitor the movements of each of your coworkers. Your leftover chicken Piccata and Mediterranean couscous will be a prime target.

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