Your Daily FoodScope for January 18, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Impulsive decisions could come back to haunt you today. You knew you shouldn't have thrown extra jalapanos and red pepper flakes into a bowl of Texas chili, and the heartburn you'll suffer for the rest of the day will serve as a fitting reminder of your folly.


Being arrogant and mean to coworkers is no way to start the week, especially since you're not well liked to begin with. Offer an olive branch by treating them to breakfast. You may find that your relationship with them is as scrambled as your eggs, but it won't take much for things to go over easy.


Be tolerant of the different opinions and ideologies of others today. Vegans may annoy you but they have a right to live their lifestyle. Think of it this way: With them around they'll be even more hamburger, chicken Parmesan and grilled salmon for you to enjoy.


You may have come into a bit of money recently so it could be a good day to feed yourself in style. Make tonight all about lobster, as in bisque, Newburg and cute pastry puffs filled with ... lobster. It may cost a pretty penny, but for today money is no object.


Don't let people take advantage of your generosity today. They'll be the ones always tagging along at lunch even though you don't know them very well. They'll look pleased when a New York Porterhouse arrives, but faces may drop when they realize it's all for you, and you're not sharing.

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There'll be too much happening on this hectic Monday. You may not be able to hide under your desk so choose the next best place. A quiet Italian restaurant could give you the respite you need, and while you're there you can enjoy a nice antipasto and Gorgonzola cheese wrapped in prosciutto.


Mix and mingle with coworkers today at the many office birthday and going away parties. This will offer everyone a chance to bond, and give you the opportunity to scarf down cake, cookies, soda and muffins that your partner never buys anymore. Wonder why?


The boss will be a raging bull today. You may need to placate him if you want to push your ideas though. So run out and buy some bagels and green onion schmear and a tall cappuccino. Coworkers will call you a suck-up -- a moniker you'll accept with pride.


You'll shine a light with your cheerful disposition today. But the coworkers who invite you to lunch will be shocked when your sunny mood suddenly grows dark. They won't mind you ranting that you don't like anchovies on your pizza, but they'll get upset when you call them a bunch of dumbasses.


Today will not be an easy one, so expect to experience some agita. You may need something other than Pepto-Bismol to soothe the fire in your belly. A cup of chicken noodle soup and a turkey sandwich on wheat is a nice mellow lunch that won't compromise your fragile tummy.


Control your impulses to snack mindlessly today. Eating may be a kneejerk reaction when things get stressful, but be smart in your choices. Energy bars can be loaded with artificial sugars, so go for the real thing with apples, bananas or grapes. You're not interested in an imitation sugar rush.


You'll find yourself daydreaming to pass the time today. Make those dreams a reality by indulging in a massive banana split with plenty of chocolate sauce. But don't go too far with your fantasies. Stripping naked and smearing ice cream all over your body could get you arrested.

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