Your Daily FoodScope for January 17, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Ah, Sunday dinner with the relatives. Good times! You may have to do something to ensure that there's something edible on the menu. It'll be easy to fix a pot of marinara sauce and thick, cheesy lasagna. This way you'll spare everyone the indignity of pretending to like grandma's mutton.


Communicate your feelings to friends today by hosting a small dinner party where you can control the evening's flow. Your guests will love the chicken piccata and arugula salad. But they won't be as fond of hearing you bitch about your problems, especially when they find you've locked all the doors.


Your family may get moody if they don't get the things they want today. Fortunately you've been down this road before. So take them all to an ice cream parlor that offer all the flavors and toppings under the sun. If they don't find what they like there then they're not going to find it anywhere.


Let this day be the start of new beginnings by committing to that oft-neglected diet. Stock up on plenty of veggies, fruit and chicken breast because you're going to need them. You'll soon come to love the versatility of healthy food, especially after witnessing the emergence of the new you.


You'll be uncharacteristically prickly today. You won't know the source of this sensitivity, but there it is. It may be best to be wallow alone in your angst. Comfort yourself with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a big glass of chocolate milk, just like you did when you were a kid.

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You'll think of every excuse to avoid family dinner tonight, but saying the dog ate your car will be a bit far-fetched. Pour hot wax into your mouth before leaving home. It'll be easier to deal with your sister's Baked Alaska if you can't actually taste it.


Celebrate friends and family today. And what better way to do that than with good food and wine? Prepare in advance so you can enjoy the day. A big pot of beef stew and crumbly bread will be perfect. Everyone can dig in, and you can enjoy the art of conversation without being stuck in the kitchen.


Settle in with a weepy movie and indulge yourself in a good cry. It'll be the perfect way to release your bruised emotions. But be sure to have plenty of popcorn, Milk Duds and Juicy Fruit on hand, as you could get hungry. 'The English Patient' won't actually be any longer; it'll only seem that way.


You may not be into the intensity of relationships, so fly your singles flag with pride today. Be footloose and boldly ask for a table for one at your favorite restaurant. You'll enjoy your chicken Parmesan and pasta, but the sight of all those happy loving couples may make you feel a tad lonely.


You'll gain a newfound dedication for losing weight today when those pants suddenly don't feel as tight as they used to. Bully for you! It's great to see results, and to know that months of grilled chicken sandwiches, salads and lots of fruit and yogurt is finally paying off.


A recent physical check-up may have made you aware of health issues. Cholesterol can be a killer, but there are healthy ways to lower that threat. Jack up your intake of fiber, whole grains, legumes and your old friend garlic. Each is effective in lowering the bad numbers and hiking up the good.


In your dreams you've the body of a Greek Olympian. But one look in the mirror will snap you harshly back to reality. Start a diet that's high in lean proteins and carbs and low in fats, sugars and sodium. Stick to it and you may even be confident enough to go out in public in a loincloth ... or not!

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