Your Daily FoodScope for January 16, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll have to overcome many obstacles to reach your goals today. But perseverance will guide you past the mocking leer of temptation. So walk the gauntlet of pastry shops, pizza parlors and Jewish delis with your head held high today. The organic salad bar is only a block away.


The only one keeping you from feeling your inner strength today is you. Too much morning coffee and berry Danishes may have left you feeling lethargic and slightly numb. A cup of yogurt, a few orange slices and some trail mix could shake off that Kryptonite and have you feeling super duper again!


Focus and concentration will be foreign concepts to you today as your mind is easily swayed. You'll be able to fake it at work, but all hell could break loose once you hit the streets. That's when your head will swivel at the sight of every pizza parlor, falafel cart, donut shop and cake shop in the immediate vicinity. Yep, your lack of self-control will finally catch up to you today, but that might not be such a bad thing!


Battle lines may be drawn on the domestic front today. Conflicts could reach a boiling point, but do what you can to turn the heat down. A detente could be reached by cooking a favorite dinner. Homemade oyster stew could ignite a heat of a different kind.


Your arrogance will be evident when you mock coworkers for their less-than-stellar dieting habits. But the tables will turn quickly when they catch you eating a pastrami sandwich on rye with extra slaw. This will happen after they notice that the buttons on your chinos have popped off -- again.

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Check out Egyptian cuisine today if you want to experience something foreign. The menu will offer many enticing items, but go for the aromatic Mulukiyah stew. You can't go wrong with mallow leaves and garlic fried in coriander served with chicken over rice.


Keep your appetite under control today. Overindulgence could be a problem as you're offered everything from nachos to gelato to cheesecake. Everything in moderation, except at dinner when you can attack chicken and broccoli stir-fry over brown rice with reckless abandon.


Patience will indeed be a virtue today. You'll wait and wait all day until you're literally bursting at the seams. But you'll finally get home and the aroma of shrimp gumbo that's been slow cooking all day will hit you full in the face. From that point on you can't be held accountable for your actions.


Communications with your family will be good today and everyone will be on the same page. This will lead to a fun and harmonious day. So pleasing everybody tonight at dinner should be easy; a beef tamale pie will go over like gangbusters.


Today will be a good one to indulge yourself. A massage, a facial or buying new clothes will make you feel special. Take that self-pampering one step further by treating yourself to a decadent seafood meal. Clams casino and Dungeness crab cakes will be your ultimate indulgence.


The best way to improve at anything is to learn, learn, learn! So all it might take to reach new culinary heights is a little patience and a lot of cooking shows. It's all there in front of you, and you'll find that pheasant braised in gin and juniper won't be as complicated as you think.


Expect your workday to be hellish; then plan on making a soothing dinner afterward. Grilled salmon filet with rice pilaf and steamed brussel sprouts will do your mind and soul a lot of good. A glass of fine chardonnay will make it feel like today never even happened.

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