Your Daily FoodScope for January 14, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Know what you're talking about before making bets to settle arguments today. Not having all your facts straight could be embarrassing and expensive, especially if lunch is part of the wager. Just hope that they're not in the mood for shrimp salad, crab sandwiches and expensive Chardonnay.


Premature expressions of deep emotions on a first date may actually be a turn-off. Do that at a pizza parlor rather than an expensive restaurant if you must. You date may actually get up and leave so you may end up eating your steak, your date's lobster and a whole lot of crow.


You'll be in a position to make many professional contacts today. Some of these may spark your personal (read: romantic) interests as well. Invite one such person to lunch, but don't make your motivations clear. The oyster platter, arugula salad and champagne will do that for you.


On-going work projects may have too many annoying details for you to deal with today. Still, you'll slog through until things come to a successful fruition. Simplify after work, and don't get into anything too complex. A bowl of chicken noodle soup and a turkey sandwich should fit that bill nicely.


You may have to leave the socializing for the weekend as your workload overwhelms you. There may be a lot of overtime in your very near future (read: tonight), so make contingency plans for dinner. Sweet and sour pork may not be the same eaten out of a carton, but you should be used to that by now.

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Go over work projects with a fine-toothed comb today. You'll pinpoint hidden mistakes that could cost you dearly. Saving projects from imminent disaster may leave you exhausted and famished. A cheesy, spicy Mexican casserole could avert a hunger disaster.


Like Batman's evil nemesis Two Face, you may be of two minds about everything today. This will be especially true at a tapas restaurant. You'll love the flavors, but you'll hate how small the portions are. Flip a coin to determine if you stay or go, but ultimately the paella will keep you in your seat.


Reading the small print today will be worth the strain on your eyes. You'll discover information that may be shocking. You might not have had any idea how much sugar is in that yogurt, or the high sodium content of sparkling mineral water. You just can't trust anything these days.


The crushing malaise of boredom will wreak havoc on your waistline today. You'll fill the time by snacking mindlessly, and not on healthy choices. But the girth inducing effects of too many cupcakes and cookies may have a positive effect as you finally decide to get your butt back into the gym.


You'll actually enjoy the eccentric company of flighty people. Go with their kooky flow tonight and you could experience new culinary sensations. You'll find yourself really enjoying Japanese takoyaki, which loosely translated means 'octopus balls.' And you didn't even know they had any.


The heat may have gone out of a once sizzling affair. Oh well, such is love or some reasonable facsimile thereof. Nurse your wounds with a nourishing meal. Prawns, clams and oysters will give you protein for energy, but order a tall pint of beer as well. You'll need that to cry into.


A lack of a substantial breakfast will have your clarity dissolving quickly today. You can always catch up at lunch. A tuna grinder with melted Swiss could part the clouds and have you seeing things clearly. Wash that down with a couple of beers, though, and you could negate the whole process.

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