Your Daily FoodScope for January 03, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You don't have to go to foreign countries to hang out with foreigners. There should be a fair share of ethnic restaurants in a stone's throw. Eschew the usual Italian, Chinese or Mexican tonight and go for something different. Indian is a lively and fun cuisine that can pack a very subtle punch.


It's always a drag when things are all style and no substance. It's like biting into a juicy burger and finding out its tofu! But be prepared to be disappointed today. Nothing will be to your liking, and even lobster will taste like chicken.


Don't preach to others about weight loss if you're not so svelte. Heal thyself today by kicking off a sensible diet. Learn to love lean proteins like chicken, beans and fish. Grilled, broiled or stir-fried, they're packed with protein and will help you retain muscle mass while losing weight.


You'll feel sluggish and slow today, but you need to get going. Caffeine doesn't seem to be working and it's a little early in the day for Red Bull. Drag yourself to the taco truck and order a burrito with extra habaneros. If that doesn't get your blood racing, nothing will.


A desire to travel somewhere warm may be countered by a weak bank account. But a trip to the Big Island is as close as your local Hawaiian barbecue restaurant. Order the poke. You can't go wrong with raw ahi, chili peppers and seaweed. And, really, can one ever get enough of kukui nuts?

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Break out of your conservative shell and let your hair down today. You don't have to get extravagant. You consider putting ketchup on French fries to be daring. So go all the way today, and pour melted cheese and chili on top of that. Now you're living!


Let home improvement projects fall by the wayside today; the game is on TV! You have friends who may be in the same spot. Could be time for an impromptu indoor tailgate party! Fire up the grill and get the burgers and ribs sizzling. Let someone else bring the nachos and beer.


Let others lead you along today and you'll find yourself scarfing down fast food. Thinking for yourself will give you healthier alternatives. Salads, chicken and wraps can all be easily had, and they'll beat something deep-fried with 10,000 calories.


There's no better time to celebrate friendship today. Invite friends for a fun evening of food and companionship. Spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread is a great communal meal, and is easy enough to prepare so you can spend more time socializing than you do cooking.


Relentlessly pursuing something usually ends in success. But still, even your best intentions may not be able to save the smoking, charred mess you'll pull out of the oven today. It's okay to make a few mistakes on the road to perfection. That's why they invented take-out.


Your group may need new members as some fall by the wayside. Host a dinner to welcome your new posse. Serve gabagul, prosciutto and Gorgonzola cheese and baked ziti. Any Soprano comparisons will be purely intentional.


Take an authentic Philly cheese steak sandwich, meatball grinder or New York hero and measure them to see which one is the longest. Take the winner and see how much you can fit in your mouth. That may be the only way to keep you from saying something really stupid today.

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