Your Daily FoodScope for February 18, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Wheezing while climbing a flight of stairs today should give you the wake-up call you need. A life of lethargy has caught up to you, so resurrect that fitness routine. Nutrition should be part of that, so bust out the tofu and green leafy veggies again. It's never too late to turn things around.


People will call you stubborn today as you firmly stand your ground on a variety of issues. But being bullheaded will work for you as everything goes your way. So when lunchtime rolls around tell them you don't want no stinkin' pizza. It's either Philly cheese steaks or nothin'!


You may be a little too detail-oriented today. Obsessing over the minutiae of every picayune little thing will keep you from getting much done. This fixation will continue after work, so keep things simple at dinner and don't order the baked trout. Those little bones might drive you over the edge.


It's not too early to plan for dinner. But eschew the traditional and plan on something completely different. Pumpkin soup makes for a wonderful appetizer while rack of lamb or beef brisket will be a pleasing and tasty alternative to chicken or fish.


Tough times call for tough measures and you may have to be thrifty. Homemade foods are easy to make and won't put a strain on your budget. Make things that can actually be used, like homemade pastas, salsas and breads. They'll be appreciated more than some cheap bauble.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


Helping those less fortunate is the greatest gift you could give. Organize a food drive to help the homeless. Ask friends to donate canned foods like soups, tuna and fruit or boxes of cereal or rice. You may not think it's much, but for some people it'll be everything.


It's a great time for socializing. They'll be parties galore, and you'll want to hit as many as possible. But have a proper dinner before hitting the town tonight. Stir-fried chicken and garlic over brown rice will fill you up and may keep you from pigging out on all those appetizers.


It'll be like you have micro-vision today as you zero in on the tiniest of details. This talent could prevent you from stumbling into unsavory situations. You'll be able to spot the anchovies in an angel hair pasta dish, despite an attempt to cover them up with feta and capers.


You'll have difficulty with authority figures today after you're rejected for a raise. You may feel powerless so take time out and go to lunch. Order a burger and French fries. You can form the fries in a shape that resembles your boss, and then take great pleasure as you finish him off one by one.


You'll feel grounded today, like your roots are firmly entrenched. This will give you a sense of security and contentment. So don't let minor setbacks knock you out of balance. Have a bowl of chicken noodle soup should that happen. It'll nourish you and further your feelings of well-being.


Look closely at the details before making business decisions today. You may notice subtleties that could have negative long-term ramifications. Reward yourself for being so shrewd. Use the cash you've saved and treat yourself to a crab and lobster dinner. It'll be money well spent.


Crafty co-workers with only their best interests in mind may betray you today. This should teach you a valuable lesson in trust. So do your best to keep your distance. It's a good thing you brought homemade lentil soup and a salad for lunch. Subtle reminders of home may help you feel better.

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