Your Daily FoodScope for February 12, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


A raging headache may slow your pace and keep you from getting much done today. Putting a little spice into your day could help cure your throbbing head. Hot peppers or cayenne powder contain capsaicin, whose properties have been proven to lessen or negate headache pain. Chili for lunch might be a good idea today!


Go a little nuts today. Pecan pie, tassies, supremes, ice cream, even pecan-encrusted trout and pecan salad dressing -- ah, what a glorious day it could be! You might want to hit the gym tomorrow though. They may be tasty little critters, but too many can do a number on your waistline.


Being flighty during the day could damage your professional reputation, but it's okay to get a little bird-brained at night. Turkey croquettes, baked herb-encrusted chicken breast or even just a fluffy omelette could be your culinary flight of fancy for tonight. Wearing peacock feathers in your hair is strictly optional.


A dinner party may be a great way to relax tonight, but bring along something more than just your sparkling personality. You can't go wrong with wine, so buy something that complements the meal; white Riesling, Gewurztraminer, red Sangiovese or Shiraz could be perfect. Don't go on the cheap -- bringing wine in a box is seen as just plain gauche.


Pecans are a great source of protein and unsaturated fats -- and they can help reduce the risk of gallstones in women. They can also lower bad cholesterol levels. Who knew such a small thing could pack such a powerful punch?

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Make dinner a funky adventure today by taking in an unusual dining spot. Hawaiian cuisine has an interesting array of flavors and ingredients -- beef loco moco could be fun, because topping a hamburger with huli-huli sauce and two eggs is just plain kooky!


At some point today, you notice that you've developed a pounding headache. A review of the foods you ate today may pinpoint the cause. Aged and processed cheeses like blue, cheddar, Swiss or mozzarella contain a substance called tyramine that can cause hypertension, and could be responsible for your pounding head.


You may be so into Pecans lately that you actually dream of them. That's a good thing, because dreams of gathering nuts signify success for business and love, while dreams of eating them imply prosperity and attainment of all you wish for. So dream on today!


It may be the small details that trip you up today, but paying attention to how you dole things out could guarantee victorious ventures. Adding just the right amount of anchovies and capers ensures a pasta puttanesca that's a rousing success!


Teaching your kids how to cook can be a great investment in the future. Start with easy meals like marinara sauce and spaghetti, meatloaf or good old chicken and cheese casserole. Encourage them to learn and practice, and someday soon, you may find a wonderful homemade dinner waiting for you when you get home.


Everything old is new today. This is especially true if you put some modern twists on Grandma's traditional recipes. Take your pot roast dinner up a few notches by rubbing it with Chinese spices before slow cooking it, but don't try to tamper with her biscuits and gravy.


It may be a good idea to cool your jets by crashing at home tonight. Bonding with your abode beats being in a noisy restaurant or pub, and the food should be a lot better too. After enjoying a home made Southern fried chicken and biscuits dinner by yourself, the company might be a lot better as well.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.