Your Daily FoodScope for February 04, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


The day's tensions may force you into uncharacteristic behavior, like flipping out on co-workers or binge eating. The latter would be the safer solution to the day's frustrations, but keep it healthy. Throw some fruit into your fast food and chips diet. At least you'll get a healthy sugar fix.


Stay with friends today so that you won't be tempted to fall into some of your nastier habits. They'll be there to mock and humiliate you should you suggest having pizza for lunch. But they'll also praise your suggestion that lunch at the salad bar could be a super idea.


You may place your precious reputation above all else today. But stealing co-workers' food from the office fridge won't do much to enhance your rep. Would it kill you to stop at the deli and pick up a roast beef sub before work? Get the large one and you could have enough for today and tomorrow.


You'll find yourself deeply in tune with friends today. So arrange an after work dinner where you can really bond with them. Choose an Italian restaurant where everyone can fill up on ravioli, lasagna and angel hair pasta with clam sauce and you'll soon be making beautiful music together.


Listen to your instincts before making decisions today. Diving into the pool blindly will get you nothing but a bloody nose. Ask yourself if you really need a Reuben with fries for lunch. Your gut will say that a Caesar salad will be the better choice, especially if you get the dressing on the side.

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Co-workers will move at a snail-like pace today and that could frustrate you. But keep your cool; they may not have enjoyed the same healthy breakfast as you. It's amazing what scrambled egg whites, turkey sausage and wheat toast can do for you energy levels, especially when you kick in a cup of joe.


The dual nature of the day will irritate you. There'll be two sides to everything, so analyze things deeply today. Your workday will be over soon enough, and you can relax at dinner. You won't have to analyze at couple of crab cakes and a bowl of chowder, because what you see is what you'll get.


In your dreams you'd be able to eat pizza, milk shakes and corn dogs all day long. But in reality you know what that would do to your waistline. So dream on today. But keep it healthy in your waking hours. Salads, yogurt, and fruit may not be the stuff of dreams, and that may be a good thing.


You may lose things like cell phones and keys today, but don't lose self-control. It could have you eating things like ice cream and chocolate with wanton abandon. Have something healthy like a tuna sub and a side salad. It'll give you the clarity of thought to remember where you left your keys.


You may have met someone special and words may fail you. So communicate in ways that express your feelings today. A romantic dinner may say it all. Prepare a few game hens with a rice pilaf and asparagus. If the amazing food doesn't tug the heartstrings, the candle and roses certainly will.


A dwindling bank account will force you to cut corners today. So you may have to stop going out for lunch and dinner until you recover. Get started by roasting a chicken with the fixings tonight. It'll not only be cheaper than going out, but it'll leave you with leftovers for days.


Your physical transformation will become more apparent each time you look in the mirror. You'll be delighted at the results of dieting and exercise. So keep on keeping on today. Follow a trip to the gym with a dinner of chicken breast, brown rice and steamed broccoli, you sexy thing.

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