Your Daily FoodScope for December 30, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Like lightning strikes on a distant horizon, your ideas will be too far away to have any real impact. But you can harness them by bolstering your mental focus; the Omega-3 amino acids in a tuna or grilled salmon sandwich will help recharge your grey matter. Expect the rest of your day to be positively electric!


There'll be so many ways to celebrate today, you won't even know where to begin! But ultimately you'll want something simple and stripped down, like chunky peanut butter spread on Saltine crackers with a big glass of milk!


Everyone and everything will seem to have two faces today, and confusion will abound. Trust will be a hard thing to come by, so stick with things that have brought you success in the past. Dinner at your local Italian restaurant will be one of them. The spaghetti carbonara and a nice glass of wine is something you can always count on.


Your celebration may be marred by heated differences of opinion. But ever the diplomat, your keen logic and linear thinking will save the day. People will see that whether smooth or chunky, it's still peanut butter at heart.


Dazzle a date at dinner tonight. A romantic Italian restaurant will be the perfect setting to order antipasto, risotto and veal piccata with the expert aplomb of a Tuscan native. Impressed, your date may realize all those mean things people said about you might just be wrong.

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You'll be the center of attention at the Italian restaurant today. Could it be because of your stylish fashion tastes or for the way you'll order the chicken ragu on fettuccine with the aplomb of Tony Soprano? In actuality, though, it'll be because you'll be wearing most of it down the front of your expensive Italian silk shirt.


You may have to watch helplessly today as another romance falls by the wayside. It may not be entirely your fault, but you'll beat yourself up anyway. It may be hard but force yourself to prepare a chicken and rice casserole and a glass of cabernet. The soothing combination could keep your self-loathing to a minimum.


You'll crave attention from others today. And you know how to hit them exactly where they live. Bringing in a big dish of homemade fudge brownies or chocolate cupcakes could have coworkers singing your praises, putting you briefly in the spotlight -- until the food runs out, that is.


Today will be a good one to tune into the bigger picture of exotic dining. Look to the island nation of Singapore for your international fix. Singaporean cuisine is heavily influenced by other Asian countries, so you'll find plenty to choose from. Try the hokkien mee, because who doesn't like vermicelli with shrimp and cuttlefish?


Challenge authority figures today. Standing up for yourself will be risky but you'll earn a newfound respect. Reward yourself with seafood risotto and pasta carbonara at an Italian restaurant. But don't get all bossy with the maitre d'. You could find yourself at a table right underneath the air conditioning duct.


Having your head in the clouds will keep you from noticing things down on the ground. That may actually be a good thing as you go blissfully through the day. But you'll focus long enough to enjoy a clam casino and Chilean sea bass dinner. Then you'll head right back into your rarified air up there.


Help your friends go green by hosting a salad dinner. Such a prospect may seem boring to your guests, but once you've gussied things up with rotelli, tofu, Kalamata olives, goat cheese and a variety of yummy dressings, they'll be clamoring for seconds.

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