Your Daily FoodScope for December 28, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll crave adventure and excitement today. But what you'll get is mundane chores and meaningless details. You'll do what you can to spice up your day, but even those efforts may fall short. So appreciate the dashes of Tabasco sauce you shoot into your breakfast scrambled eggs. That may be as hot as things get today.


Think ahead as you slog through the drudgery of chores and errands. Dinner at a boisterous Tex-Mex restaurant will be your reward, and dining on chicken chimichangas and chili verde while wearing a ten-gallon hat will be the essence of fun.


Drowning in a sea of details is a very real possibility for someone as focused as you. Obsessing over the minutiae of every little thing will keep you from getting much done. This fixation will continue at dinner, so keep things simple and don't order the baked trout. Picking through all those little bones could drive you batty.


Your head will spin when you think of all the ways you can celebrate today. From shortcake to pie and jam to daiquiris, the delicious possibilities are endless. But you'll want your strawberries one way only: swirled in melted chocolate and sitting on top of a big bowl of strawberry ice cream.


Keep yourself in a state of preparedness today so you can instantly jump at opportunities as they arise. In that spirit, grab the first stool that opens up at the counter rather than wait for a table at the seafood restaurant. It'll put you that much closer to a delicious blackened tilapia sandwich with cilantro lime mayo.

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The last thing you'll want to do today is think. That should work out well for the most part, especially if you sit at home and watch a sitcom. But you may find yourself mentally challenged later when you're forced to choose between columns A and B on the Chinese menu. Just order the chicken chow fun and egg roll and call it a day.


Nervous tension could have that jaw clamped as tight as a bear trap today -- look for natural ways of relieving the anxiety. Magnesium has been proven to relax stress-induced muscle fibers. So seek out foods -- such as artichokes, soybean and green, leafy veggies -- to help sooth your frazzled nerves.


A friend may ask you for a favor today, but find out what's required of you before agreeing to anything. Even the promise of a prime rib dinner with baked potato, coleslaw and the works may not be enough to entice you to commit to watching your friend's Great Dane for a month.


Try not to be so controlling today. Your bossy ways will turn people off and put a real crimp in your social life. So cool it, especially when joining friends for dinner. Go ahead and order the Tex-Mex margarita chicken for yourself, but avoid ordering for everyone else. They can think quite well for themselves, thank you.


Constant interruptions and unexpected emergencies will torpedo your goal of getting a lot accomplished today. But hang in there -- things will get better come dinnertime. That's when your plans to make a delicious stir-fry shrimp in spicy mustard sauce will go off without a hitch!


Look closely at that comforting meatloaf, and you'll see that its fat content is actually quite high. But that doesn't mean you have to give it up entirely. Substitute beef with lean ground turkey and don't layer the top with bacon. Suddenly an old friend will become even friendlier.


You may feel the first full-blast effects of the flu today. So take your mother's age-old advice and eat your chicken noodle soup, drink plenty of fluids like water and organic teas and get lots of rest. Look at the bright side: at least now you have a valid excuse for spending the next few days in bed.

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