Your Daily FoodScope for December 13, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


The direction your relationship is heading may be unclear to you today. Spend a little time alone to see how you feel deep inside, but don't let frustration cloud your mind. Sipping chamomile tea with fresh mint and nibbling on biscotti will calm your nerves, and help you see things clearer.


You'll make plans for the week ahead today. But you may be alarmed when you realize just how stressful the week may be. So live it up tonight. Have margaritas with friends over a fun Mexican dinner of nachos and chimichangas. It'll keep you from thinking about tomorrow.


Take part in activities that involve mind and body today. Yoga and tai chi should do the trick. Neither takes much exertion and will help soothe your spirit. Your body may need nourishment after that so enjoy a pot of Chinese herbal tea and soft pork buns. You'll soon feel your chi restored to its fullest.


Spend some time soul searching today. It'll help you deal with personal issues or plan for the future. Snap out of it around dinnertime. Then the only thing you'll search for is an authentic Cantonese restaurant that serves seafood birdsnest and 'urinating shrimp.' That may be harder than you think.


Friends will erupt in dramatic shows of emotionality today. They'll whine and wail and rend their garments. But it's not your fault that you had to cancel a dinner party planned for tonight. They'll have to go elsewhere for their honey glazed ham and sweet candied yams fix.

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Relationship issues could get explosive today, and it'll drain you of your vigor. You'll need to eat like an athlete so you can compete. Grill a big fat porterhouse steak and have that with steamed veggies and rice pilaf. All that protein will give you the strength you need to go nine rounds.


Your partner's foul moods could make for one very intense day. So put your head down and soldier on. Cooking something special may or may not help turn the tide. A Tex-Mex chicken casserole will either put a smile on their face or have you ducking when they throw it at you in anger.


Today will be all about creativity. So write a poem, enact a scene from a play or take pictures downtown. This may also give you inspiration when creating dinner. Tackle something tricky, like seared scallops in beurre blanc with spring veggies wrapped in a puff pastry. Now that's creative!


Expand your horizons today. Taking in new sensations will open your mind to a world of possibilities. Take this spirit into the kitchen tonight and try something adventurous. Osso buco pot roast will be easier than you think and its savory flavors will be like nothing you've ever experienced.


Seeing so many homeless on the street may bring out your compassionate side. Do something special to help today, like baking breads or making sandwiches. Hand out what you've made to street people you encounter. Your efforts will be well rewarded with the karma that comes from aiding others.


You'll have to reevaluate your values today. Is it more important to eat healthier or continue consuming nothing but fast food? That's a no brainer, but adjusting could be hard. Most fast food places now offer healthy alternatives like salad and chicken wraps. Just don't ask to have them deep-fried.


Today will be a good one to try out things you may have recently learned. And the kitchen will be a logical place to start. Pull out a new recipe and give it a whirl. Your efforts will be worth it when you're digging into an intense roasted wild Alaskan salmon with watermelon gazpacho.

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