Your Daily FoodScope for December 01, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Expect things to go wrong today. A lot of it may be out of your control, so keep your cool. Take time to do something healthy, like a workout at lunch followed by a tuna sandwich on sourdough and fruit. When you get back to the office you can start to calmly pick up the pieces, and start all over.


Strong emotions may actually help you today. Deep sensitivity will have you seeing work projects from new angles. But keep a lid on your emotions when in public. Temper fits or crying jags are never cool, unless you're in a crowded Italian restaurant where that kind of thing happens all the time.


Your intelligence may be wasted today as you're forced to deal with nincompoops. Whether at work, the gym, or the coffee shop, the dummies will get your goat. Lock your self at home after work. It may not take a lot of brains to put together meatloaf and spuds, but by then you won't care.


You may experience profound intimacy today. It may be so intense that it'll leave you dizzy and weak in the knees. But you'll be hooked, and you'll want some more. So go ahead and order another cup of New England clam chowder at the oyster bar. Oh, go crazy, and make it a bowl!


You eschew the past; you prefer to look to the future. You'd rather listen to Moby than Motown. Yet, when stuck for a dinner plan, you always refer to your Grandma's recipe books. Just like Motown, the classics are timeless, and meals like old-fashioned chicken and dumplings never go out of vogue.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨


Lend a deaf ear to office gossip today. That's the stuff small minds are made of, so don't get involved. Go to lunch solo and order something light, like a roast beef sandwich and chicken soup. But bring along your laptop. You can find the same gossip on the Internet, only with pictures.


You'll waver between being giving and selfish today. You'll do the whole angel/devil debating on your shoulder thing to no avail. But you'll do the right thing and bring that box of mom's homemade cookies to the office, where you will allot everyone one free cookie.


Much like Dr. Who, you'll feel yourself going through a regeneration today. Perhaps it'll be the midday workout that does it, or the post-gym meal of a turkey on rye with mustard and a side of fruit. Then again, maybe it's a result of both, but don't question it. You look marvelous!


Sometimes you just can't seem to figure some things out. That can be frustrating, but life is a mystery. Still you'll ponder as you're confronted with unanswerable questions. You may never know exactly why cumin makes your meatloaf tastes so much better. It just does.


Through deep insight and attention to detail you'll be able to wrap your brain around complex work problems today. Then they won't seem so difficult and success will be yours! Eat a big seafood meal tonight heavy on fish. All those Omega-3's may help make tomorrow an even better day.


You may find today that deep romantic feelings will never be reciprocated. Ah, the cruelty of unrequited love! It's okay to be blue, but don't eat your way back to happiness. You know what too many cheeseburgers and burritos will do to your figure, and that won't make you feel any better.


You'll sit on the fence on any number of topics today, not knowing which choice to make. So think about it at lunch. Visit your favorite deli where you'll order the reuben on rye without even looking at the menu. That decision will be a no-brainer.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙