Your Daily FoodScope for August 31, 2022

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Keep conversations short and sweet today. Your day will be too busy for idle chit-chat. People may think you're being rude but you can prove them wrong. That's when you'll meet them for dinner where you'll talk a blue steak while enjoying pasta fettuccine.


A first date over dinner is always a nice way to get to know someone better. But don't dominate the conversation by talking only of yourself. You may find that somewhere between the salmon tartar and the prime rib, your date has suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.


You may feel like flirting with the unknown today. You're always up for a challenge, so take in an unusual cuisine today. You may be pleasantly surprised at the tastes and textures heretofore unknown to you. Or not. But at least you can say you tried the Korean samgyeopsal.


There won't be anyone telling you what to do today, so just go wild. But splashing out could have waist-altering consequences. Listen to the little voice in your head that tells you to put down the pizza and beer, and go for the grilled salmon platter and iced tea.


Getting through a busy day will require teamwork. Success will be had when everybody pitches in. Reward your team afterwards with a dinner treat. But since your team needs to be in healthy shape, make sure it's somewhere where salads and grilled chicken dishes are plentiful.

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You'll try to stick to your diet today, but temptation will abound. Whether you give in or not will be determined by discipline, commitment, focus and whether or not the office pizza has pepperoni on it. Even then, walk away and eat the tuna sandwich you'll bring with you.


You'll be feeling a tension today you can't put your finger on. Soul searching will uncover the root of what's eating you. Giving yourself food for thought may make you hungry, so have yourself some brain food. Salmon filets with pasta will give you everything you need to calm your tired brain.


The temptation to pig out will be constant today. You won't be able to avoid the birthday cakes and vending machine snacks that will be so prevalent. Replace the junk with healthy snacks like yogurt with almonds or good old fruit. It may not be as exciting, but it'll be better for you.


You won't be turning water into wine, but you'll be quite the miracle worker today. Others will marvel at your ability to multitask. But after work is done you'll concentrate on one thing only, like the steaks you'll have sizzling on the grill.


People will be as brainless as chickens today, and you know what usually happens to them. So keep your knives sharpened but at bay. You'll have your revenge later, when you'll slap chicken legs on the grill and imagine that's it's them.


Today will be good one for you. You'll have great success, you'll have a small financial windfall and someone cute will ask for your phone number. Things will get even better later when you realize the raviolis you'll order are stuffed with crab meat and the red wine is from Australia!


Today may be overwhelming and you'll be tired and frustrated when it's all over. Things will get better when you get home when you'll slap together the ingredients for fast and easy Sloppy Joes. This delicious blast from your past will have you feeling like it's the weekend all over again.

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