Your Daily FoodScope for August 30, 2021

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll enthusiastically welcome passing out little candies and cookies to coworkers. They'll remark that you're wearing the most festive outfit they've ever seen, which is so flattering.


Making your own snacks will give the night a personal touch, because kids love cupcakes, caramel apples and soft pretzels. So do you, come to think of it, so show a little self-control or there'll be nothing left for them.


You'll allow annoying coworkers to push your buttons today, and things under your collar will get quite ignitable. An explosion could occur at any moment unless you take precautionary measures. A vanilla cherry ice cream cone might not be enough to cool you down, so you better make it a double.


It won't take much to ignite some of your more weepy emotions today. An old family picture, a tear-jerking movie or memories of a lost love will all open the floodgates. But you'll really well up after eating a freshly made blackberry and apple cobbler. They'll be tears of joy, of course, but tears nonetheless.


You know what you like, but you don't like people tampering with perfection. So sneer at the trendy coffee boutiques and their cappa-mocha-java-lattes today and walk right on by. It's pure Colombian Supremo coffee you crave, dammit, so save your six bucks and brew your own.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


Conflicts with coworkers could have you feeling antagonistic today. So it'll be best for everyone if you take a cool down break. Release your aggression on something that'll be defenseless against your relentless attack, like a hot fudge sundae and root beer float. This way no one will get hurt and you won't get fired.


Swaying your family over to your side will be tough today, so compromises will have to be struck. They'll want hamburgers and fries for dinner, but you'll want something healthier. So strike a middle ground by using lean ground turkey for the burgers and baked fries rather than deep-fried. Now if the nations could be so agreeable, we'd all be in better shape.


You'll be accident-prone today, and the kitchen could be a hellhole of danger. It'll be easy to get burned, cut, sliced and diced if you're not careful, so eat out tonight. Even something as innocuous as making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be risky because that butter knife is not your friend.


Teaching your kids basic cooking skills today could a blast. Start with something easy, like chocolate cupcakes. Then show them how to take the fun one step further. They'll be amazed to learn that with a little garnish or frosting, an ordinary cupcake can become anything.


With a few motivating words you may be able to get your family to join you on your nutrition bandwagon. They'll listen intently as you teach them the positive benefits of a diet high in veggies, fruit, lean protein and moderate carbs. But they won't fall for it hook, line and sinker -- the changes may take a while.


You don't go for the avant garde and trendy, especially when it comes to your food. Even sushi might be a little too out there for you. That's okay; to each his own, as they say. You'd rather dine on a broiled citrus marinated chicken breast and sour cream stuffed baked potato than something you can't pronounce.


You'll have a hard time navigating through the fog in your head today, and brain function will be tough. But there's a light ahead, and it's a warm cup of soothing chamomile tea with just a hint of mint. Head into it, my friend, and you may actually remember where you parked your car.

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