Your Daily FoodScope for April 29, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll be less than enthusiastic when friends drop by unexpectedly tonight. Oh, they'll be plenty of veggie lasagna and garlic bread for everybody. But you just hate when they barge in right in the middle of 'C.S.I.'


Impulsive action won't get you the things you really want today. You'll quickly order a BLT with side of fries. But you could have had a bacon cheeseburger with onion rings. Why not? Both will be bad for you, so you might as well go all the way.


You'll be sitting in the middle of a powder keg at work today. Tensions will make emotions ignitable so do your best to cool your own. Reach into your desk and find that hidden bar of dark chocolate. That could all you need to put your fire out.


Thought before action today. It could keep you from saying or doing really stupid things. So catch yourself when ordering a double cheeseburger with onion rings. You'll be thankful later when you're having a salad that a bird wouldn't find filling.


You'll look into the cupboards today and find mostly cobwebs. But that won't stop you from putting together an impromptu meal. A Spam casserole in a mustard and sesame oil sauce with potato chips on top won't be as bad as it sounds.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


Pushy co-workers will have you fleeing to your cubicle today. You can spend all day there without having to interact with anyone else. It's a good thing you have that bag of Doritos stashed in your desk or you won't be able to make it until lunch.


Today will be as good as having friends drop by with pictures of their trip to Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands! Or it could be as bad as them whipping out a gift they bought for you: a big bag of frozen haggis!


You'll want to be precise in everything you do today. But that may not work for you in certain situations. So be prepared to get a glassy-eyed stare from the counter person when you ask for the nutritional breakdown of a Quarter Pounder with cheese.


Romance is fun until you both get sick of each other. So enjoy the good times until that happens. Sharing a romantic bowl of spaghetti could be just like the movies. But avoid slurping a strand together. There's no telling where that mouth's been.


Today will be a good one to eat plenty of beans. Whether kidney, black, lima, pinto or garbanzo, beans are a great source of the type of fiber needed to lower bad cholesterol levels. Plus, they help you stay regular, and who isn't into that?


Breaking away from traditional eating habits can be tough. But you may have to face the fact that you can't eat like a kid anymore. Your aging innards may not be as well equipped to handle soda, chips and fried bologna sandwiches like it used to.


Sometimes you're confused about certain food myths. One year carbs, eggs and dark chocolate are good for you and the next they're not. But don't let trends dictate how you eat today. Everything in moderation, including red wine and butter.

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