Your Daily FoodScope for April 25, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


You'll get the family to work together on chores today if you cleverly coerce them with food. You'll promise to make Joe's Special for breakfast if they agree to do some work. There's something about ground beef in scrambled eggs they can't resist.


You may meet someone new today whose outgoing ways differ from your conservatism. Surprisingly, sparks will fly. You may even be coerced into having something kooky for dinner. And love could bloom over gildas, ceviche and a lot of sangria.


Some of your strongly held beliefs may be debunked today. You'll be shocked to discover that margarine may actually be worse than butter since it contains trans fats. Both suck, so use soft-tub vegetable spread that says 'trans-fat free' instead.


A lack of money may put the kibosh on your caviar dreams tonight. So you may have to come down a few pegs if dining out. The local diner's blue plate special will be better than you expected, but how can you go wrong with pot roast and mashers?


Relationship issues can be best settled by rationally talking them out. But have your chat somewhere other than a food court. It would suck to have a plate of Chinese chicken and broccoli dumped on your head. The MSG will do a number on your hair.

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A game of pick-up basketball will be a great way to spend the afternoon. Breaking a sweat will be better than lazing around the house. Plus you won't feel as guilty for downing a few post-game beers and a lot of mushroom and pesto pizza.


Don't look to your friends for intelligent conversation today. They may have shut their brains down for the weekend, something you should think about. You could have fun watching the Three Stooges together while eating corndogs and pork skins.


Dinner with the family can often resemble a TV sitcom. Some wacky misadventure always ensues, some funny, some not. For today's dinner, though, grandma will probably lose her teeth again, so you may want to avoid the tuna casserole.


Approaching life with an open mind today will make it easier to comprehend new ideas. You'll see that some foreign cuisines aren't that weird, and Australian crocodile has a gamey, meaty flavor and is great in a white wine sauce.


Friends will try to lure you into dubious schemes today. You know a scam when you see one, so shoo them away. Go in search of a sure thing. You'll find it at the seafood restaurant where the crab cakes will be real crab and not imitation.


Your high energy levels will annoy family members today. They may get angry when they hear you clattering around in the kitchen. But their disposition will change when they see that your making breakfast burritos and potato pancakes just for them.


Do absolutely nothing today. No work, no chores, no exercising, nothing! Dozing on the couch will be as active as you'll want to be. You'll need some energy to order take-out Italian, but you'll have no problem working on a plate of stuffed ravioli.

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