Your Daily FoodScope for April 23, 2024

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Don't get into anything too heavy today. For you that could have direct reference to food. Thick, rich cakes; rich, creamy chowders; and big, fat canollis should be avoided at all costs. Your well-oiled sense of discipline should make it easy, well, maybe after a little of that chowder.


Being stubborn is part of your character; in fact it's one of your strongest traits. Being an unmovable rock helps you adhere to your deep-seated convictions, and no one is going to convince you to join them in digging into a pepperoni and pesto pizza, no matter how hard they try.


Your instincts tell you that certain situations may not be beneficial to you. But don't fly into a panic when you see nothing on the menu but Buffalo wings, burgers and ribs. You'll breathe a sigh of relief when you notice they also serve a grilled-chicken Caesar salad. Get the dressing on the side and you may actually enjoy your meal.


Lots of home chores are on the agenda today, but you just won't feel like doing them. One you definitely need to tackle is shopping for groceries -- this way you can buy what you need for the coming week, as well as the ingredients to make a spicy Mexican casserole for dinner.


You'll be all about beef wellington with red wine today, but your friends will be into pizza and beer. Good luck trying to get them to step up to your lofty levels today. It may be more fun to stoop to theirs and grab the slice with the most pesto.

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Today could be as bad as peering into the fridge and finding nothing but week-old pasta with green fuzz growing on it. With any luck it'll be as great as whole-wheat pasta with grilled salmon, lemon and basil. A side of garlic bread could make the day even better.


You'll order a sausage and ricotta calzone today that will be the size of a football. How on earth will you be able to eat something so massive? You could be nice and invite a friend to share it with you. Or you could ask for a to-go box so you can finish the rest tomorrow. Somehow, you've probably already made up your mind on this one.


Reading the small print today will be worth the strain on your eyes. You'll discover information that may be shocking. You might not have had any idea how much sugar is in that yogurt or the high sodium content of sparkling mineral water. You just can't trust anything these days.


Keep an eye on family members at the breakfast table this morning. Look in their eyes for subtle signs of strategizing and maneuvering. The tension may get unbearable, but be poised to strike at a moment's notice. With a little luck and deft of hand, you may be able to swipe that last strawberry Danish from right under their noses.


You'll be driven to achieve excellence today. No task will be too trivial that it can't be done to perfection. Even preparing your lunch will be an exercise in excellence. No one makes a corned beef and cabbage on rye with the same sense of stylish poise as you.


Idle hands are the devil's tool today. Boredom could have you snacking thoughtlessly without regard for the consequences. Curse the devil for such weakness! But you can get the last laugh by tossing that Snickers bar and eating yogurt instead. You may have won this round, but he'll be back.


Sometime during the course of today your clarity could dissolve and you'll find yourself in Candyland! Ah, the chocolate river, the red vines hanging from trees, the friendly gummy bears who will guide your way down Bubblegum Way! Snap out of it! On second thought -- maybe not.

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