Your Daily FoodScope for April 21, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Your penchant for independent thought will take a hit today. Co-workers will not only talk you into going to lunch with them but they'll convince you to order double bacon cheeseburger and garlic fries. And that will be all she wrote.


You'll be charming and thoughtful to the waiter at the Chinese restaurant even though you can't understand a word he's saying. You'll carefully place your order and silently hope that you get the mu gu gai pan and not something with eyes in it.


How your newly started diet turns out will be totally up to you today. Secretly snack on chocolate and ice cream and it's doomed to failure. But stay diligent with your salads and tofu and you'll see a slim and sexy new you in no time.


Do something special for yourself today because you deserve it, dammit! So go ahead, take a break from your diet and splurge on a hot fudge sundae. But don't wash it down with a milk shake. That could open floodgates you'd rather keep closed.


Yesterday's boundless energy will be replaced by lethargy and ennui. You could bail yourself out at lunch if you make the right choices. But having an open-faced turkey sandwich with mashers and gravy could put you right into sleepyland.

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Fulfill your family obligations tonight and give Mom a call. It will be fun chatting with her from across the miles. You may feel nostalgic afterward, so whip up her famous mac and cheese. It won't be as good as hers, but it's not supposed to be.


You'll feel smarter than a fifth grader today. This surprising brainpower could be from the smoked salmon and cream cheese frittata you made this morning. With all those Omega-3s running around your brain you might even be able to spell frittata.


Keeping things status quo today by avoiding risks will guarantee a safe day. So don't let others lead you into doing things you'd rather not. You'll say no to sushi for lunch because you'll be quite happy with your bologna sandwich.


You'll be happy as a clam today. Others will sense your contentment and they'll feel happy too. Everyone should go out to lunch to spread the joy. But don't go to any fast food restaurants. There's nothing very happy about those happy meals.


You live your life with a fervent sense of discipline. But sometimes it's fun just to go with the flow. So let yourself go today and snack on a hot fudge sundae. That big chocolate ring around your mouth will look just like a smile.


Being in the company of like-minded people will give you a sense of security today. It'll also be nice having everyone agree. Even those with an aversion to raw fish will applaud your suggestion of sushi for dinner.


Be aware of what goes on around you today. So don't talk on the cell phone as the deli guy prepares your roast beef hoagie. You may be able to catch him before he spreads mayo all over it even though you asked for mustard.

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