Your Daily FoodScope for April 07, 2023

Do you often find yourself wondering what food to cook, how to cook it, and even that dreaded question—how much of it? It’s a daily struggle for all of us, but need not be with our food horoscope. Satisfaction is only a click away!


Shoot from the hip today, as details won't interest you. But being impulsive could be costly. You won't care about the adverse health affects of a burrito with extra cheese, sour cream and refried beans until you actually feel your arteries hardening.


Take your time making financial decisions today. Hang on to your money and use it for something practical. If it comes down to investing in property in Yemen or treating yourself to steak and lobster dinner with the works... well, you know what to do.


You'll have too much going on today to keep track of everything. So pull back for a moment and make a game plan. Enjoy a soothing cup of black oolong tea while you're at it. Then, you'll see everything fall nicely into place.


You'll have too many people telling you what to do today. It'll prove to be overwhelming so go off alone at lunch. A cup of lentil soup and a turkey club could have you feeling better, but avoid bossing the waiter around. You'll look like a hypocrite.


Don't ignore friends when they offer advice today. There's a reason they urge you into green salads, thin soups and turkey sandwiches for lunch. But it may not be apparent to you until you're buying size 40 jeans that are still a little snug.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


You may feel warmth today that will trump your usual cold, logical self. You'll feel so friendly that you may actually give friends tips on how to improve a questionable beef stew, rather than tell them that it tastes like dog food.


You may find yourself engaged in stimulating conversation with someone new today. Seize the opportunity to continue the dialogue over dinner. Who knows, a serious romance may bloom over Bento boxes and California roll!


Read the small print before buying processed meats today. One slice of turkey may have only 220 mgs of sodium, but do you ever use only just one slice on a sandwich? That 220 will quickly become 880, and that's 660 too much. Processed ham is even worse.


Poor results from a new diet may have people saying you're all talk and no action. You'll defend yourself by saying that it's taking a while to kick in. But you'll be nailed if they see you at the market buying the large cartons of Ben and Jerry's.


Eliminate MSG from Szechuan garlic chicken and you may have something healthy on your hands. But you can't able to do that at the restaurant, so learn to make your own. You can control the ingredients and it'll cost a lot less and taste better, too.


Enjoy a sizzling affair while the heat is still on. It could flare out at any time and you'll be heartbroken. So prepare for that inevitability by making tuna casseroles and meatloaf and freezing them. That way they'll be ready at a moment's notice.


Watch your step today as one false step could send you tumbling. It could be something innocuous like munching mindlessly on potato chips. One bag could lead to many and the next thing you know your diet will fall right by the wayside.

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