Your Daily FinanceScope for September 19, 2021

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


As long as you perform your feats of cooking daring in the veritable kitchen, you're fine. You're in hot water, though, the minute you extend your efforts to the books. Keeping your talents in the right realm is harder than it sounds today, but it is as vital as ever.


Some people whom you work with you would gladly be friends with if circumstances were different, and others you merely tolerate. But the ones you have to forge alliances with are the ones who help you make money, no matter what camp they fall into. Remind yourself of that today.


You tend to want to keep conversations light and airy, but the subjects you have to deal with today are like cement shoes. Make sure everyone takes things as seriously as you do or you will all go under together.


Yes, your holdings should be getting bigger and better by the year, but they're not. Don't let that keep you from thinking things will change. You deserve a financially secure future and your positive outlook is vital to getting it.


Some days you bound out of bed ready to face the day, and other days it's a matter of willpower. There are enough signs of life in your financial garden that you have all the energy and excitement you need, from the time you wake up until late at night. Enjoy the productivity.

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A looming deadline is like an overbearing relative breathing down your neck. There's no escaping either, so you might as well accept the inevitable. There is no flexibility involved so don't even bother trying.


If you feel like you've been hiding in a cave, it's because you have been spending so much time ruminating over your failures. It's time to get out and start socializing again. Your friends can help you see yourself the way they see you, which is a much nicer portrait than the one you've been painting.


You need to find challenges on your own because your boss isn't going to come up with any for you. But if you want to get any extra credit for them, you'll have to win your boss over first. Otherwise, you're just another source of stress and competition.


If you thought life would just naturally lead you to success like a leaf traveling downstream, then you took a big, stupid gamble. But oddly enough, luck is on your side. Not in the form of unearned profit and accolades but in the form of a second chance to help yourself. Put your all into it this time.


Your illusions are walking in plain sight today, and you're not the only one seeing them for a change. This particular chimera is a real beast, and it's taking in the rich and the poor alike. Being aware of it is your only defense.


You have a major war raging inside yourself. Your inability to find the right course and stick to it is truly extraordinary. Try a little experiment. Make up your mind early on and stick with it all day. You'll end the day wealthier for it, if only by a tiny amount.


You have too much swirling around you to keep track of it all, much less give a running commentary. Keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. You need to focus all of your attention and energy on your own finances.

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