Your Daily FinanceScope for September 16, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You can afford to take your time. In fact, you have all the time in the world. So make doing it right your biggest challenge. In this economic climate, you won't want to make a single misstep.


Cash, it's such a charming thing. It's easy to understand why so many people have an emotional attachment to it. But rise above your companions and admit it's only good for material things. Then come back down to earth.


There are many ways to deal with bills besides simply paying them. There's the time honored correspondence, and then there's telephone chatter. But whatever route you take, give your account the wiggle room it needs.


Buy, or pass? Hang on or sell? It's hard to be analytical with only the big picture in mind. You can't really decide until you have some more of the nitty-gritty details, so work on getting them from others.


Some days it takes sheer willpower to go on. Others, daydreams of glory. Whatever method you choose, keep plodding forward until you hit pay dirt.

Get even more insights for the month ahead with your premium Monthly Horoscope.


As confusing as things may be now, some day they will all make perfect sense. Try to stay as organized as possible. That means paying attention to smaller details rather than large new projects.


You may feel depressed by your shrinking funds, but that only means you should spend more time socializing, instead of less. That nagging voice in your head may be telling you to be alone, but nothing other than good company will help.


Friends want to know how you do it. But staying solvent is one of your little secrets. Like a beauty aid, its most effective if kept to yourself. Don't be talked into spilling the beans.


Others are pestering you for money. In fact, they're driving you crazy. Whether it's a legitimate investment or simply a hand out, know all the facts before you decide.


If you achieved a lot in the past months, then you shouldn't spend too much time panicking. Stay grounded, go over your funds, and give yourself a time limit for treading water.


To make money, you need an idea that strikes a nerve. Everyone is out to save a dime. At least they all have the same agenda. So work that into your business plan if you want to make a profit in today's economy.


You need to know all the facts before you act, either because the situation warrants it or because that's simply your nature. It's a good thing, too, because if you just do it, you'll be throwing good money after bad.

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