Your Daily FinanceScope for November 17, 2021

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You get to spend the entire day thinking about anyone other than yourself. Is that a rare luxury? It shouldn't be. Being too self-centered only hurts your chances of success. Take the day to practice being completely selfless.


Some days a routine is boring to you, but today it brings you great comfort. You can't get enough of the same old, same old. Not only does it make it easy to stay in budget, but you don't have a chance to agonize over what to do. The decisions are all mapped out for you and you know them by heart.


You have a lot of projects to begin today, but they are all for fun. Even though they're not going to make you money, though, you should try to finish what you start. Leaving them for others to clean up for you is habit forming, so be forewarned.


You get to focus on issues around the house today, and you have all the time in the world to do it. Keep smoothing things out until they are like silk. There is no reason to suffer any bumps in the road today so enjoy the smooth ride for a change.


A date is just what the doctor ordered, whether you are single or involved. You don't have to spend much money to get the romance going, either. All you have to do is share your feelings. Have fun.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙


Indecision is an uncomfortable state to be in, but throwing money at it won't help. Buying something for the sake of buying something is no better than spending on impulse, and you've been down that road before. Don't let your impulses get the better of you.


Money can't buy everything. There is a lot of beauty around you that is going unnoticed. Once your eyes are opened, you'll wonder how you ignored it for so long. Your moment of epiphany comes when you least expect it.


An important decision is driving you up the wall. The right choice is elusive today so don't agonize over it. Just give in to your state of indecision. The relief that comes with dropping it is more valuable than gold.


You need a shot of fun. Friends and laughter are a good combination, if a typical one. A more unusual combination holds just as many delights for you today. It can't be bought or planned for, but you'll recognize it when you feel it.


You are feeling unusually lazy but don't succumb to the feeling. Start a new project even if it's a challenge just to get off the couch. There is a lot of money to be made today simply by making an effort.


Personal issues are keeping you from connecting with both loved ones and business associates. You may not want to admit it, but the problem rests squarely with you. That's okay, though, because that means the solution does, too. Get to work finding it.


Debts are weighing on both your wallet and your mind. It's hard to think about anything but money today. That's your way of kicking yourself, which is not an altogether bad thing. Use it as motivation for finding a way to settle up.

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