Your Daily FinanceScope for May 13, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Things are never as easy as they should be. Bad communication is just the tip of the iceberg. But no amount of extra effort can deter you. You're destined to make a profit come hell or high water.


You've been feeling like your whole life is out of character. Now that the world seems to be righting itself, how are you going to hang onto what you've learned? The old you is the last thing you should aspire to be.


You hate it when people don't do what they say they will. You hate it even more when that person is you. As long as it's not costing you an arm and a leg, though, don't beat yourself up over a few delays.


If you feel like you're between a rock and a hard place, the hard place is your own crusty shell. You can actually crawl out of it if you want to. It's easier than you think and no money is required at all.


Not everyone has the same hopes and dreams you have. It may surprise you, but some of your closest friends are not motivated by money at all. With attitudes like theirs, they're working half as hard as you are for twice the money. Life is funny that way. Be in on the joke.

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As a beloved teacher or parent once told you, try to do your best. That's really all you can do. Even a die-hard Polly Anna has a bad day every now and then. With the numbers you're juggling, it just can't be avoided.


There is change in the air, and it's giving you a little boost of good energy. You can find a friend to share it with, or you can channel it into moneymaking endeavors. Both are perfectly legitimate and equally valuable.


You know to walk and talk cautiously when it comes to money, both yours and other people's. But for some reason you're throwing both caution and decorum to the wind. Your lack of restraint might actually net you a prize.


You're surrounded by those more shallow and superficial than you can tolerate. The last thing you want or need is to chew the fat when you could be keeping busy with more profitable activities. Your time and your ears can only be abused with your permission.


You're like Hansel and Gretel lost in the woods. If you don't learn to see the forest for the trees soon, you'll be eaten by the evil witch. Don't be tempted by anything money can buy that looks good enough to eat.


You don't need a sizzling, white-hot kind of day. In fact, you'd gladly settle for a good one. On second thought, make that one that breaks even. Don't set your expectations any lower or any higher and you won't be surprised.


You can feel like the creative type and still be interested in such things as numbers. After all, making money is more an art than a science. Tap into the right side of your brain for a change.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.