Your Daily FinanceScope for March 11, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You can't achieve your goals alone. In fact, you need to be circling the wagons right about now. Find some like-minded people to hunker down with and ride out the storm.


You can be conservative with your money or do something radical. Do whatever suits you. It really doesn't matter because, like it or not, your personal wealth is intimately tied to the world economy. You might as well like it.


The world looks less foreign every day. You're getting used to the new you, too. It's not time yet to look back with any understanding, but give yourself some credit for being so changeable.


Being aloof isn't the right approach, but neither is being too emotional. It's not all about money. Protect your remaining assets, and that includes your beating heart.


If you've been all about power, then some changes that are taking place are good for you. Having to think laterally instead of strictly up or down is one of them. Don't resist, kicking and screaming.

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Someone has taken it upon themselves to reorganize all your stuff, including your money. If you don't have a financial advisor, then it's time to press the panic button. If you have one, then feel free to offer your criticism.


Usually you understand most of the rules of the game and the ones that are just a confusing blur don't really get in the way. Or so you always thought. Those others are turning out to be more important than you realized. It's not too late to start studying them.


Either you don't have a grasp of your new reality or a partner doesn't. Either way, you are wrangling over something seemingly silly, like redecorating. If the image of Nero fiddling while Rome burns doesn't come to mind, it will shortly.


It's never too late to get the word out. You need a buzz, and of the proper variety. Even strangers make for good additions to your network today, so start talking.


If you're considering making minor changes to your style, think again. Your entire approach could use a change, and with a blunt instrument. Don't get anywhere near your usual routine.


No amount of brilliance can get you back to where you want to be, but an attractive plan might get you half way there. Start buffing up both your pitch and yourself now.


Face it, deserving a break isn't the issue. Affording it is. If you think it's the right time, you're daydreaming. And if you take one nonetheless, don't be surprised if four others try to step into your shoes while you're away.

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