Your Daily FinanceScope for June 21, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Your best defense against being hobbled by subliminal business is to keep it to a minimum in the first place. Your current actions are making some pretty lush compost for future issues to grow in. Facing your financial decisions instead of planting them for later is wise.


Your ultimate goal is to no longer be possessive -- not because you've moved past caring about material things, but because you know you have enough to replace absolutely anything. That's one way of looking at financial security. Use whatever floats your boat.


Are you being stubborn or are you just plain scared? Either way, if you don't get a move on, you'll end up in trouble. What lies ahead in uncharted territory is unknown, but what will soon find you in the safe, cozy land of the familiar is a forgone conclusion.


Your extra ounce of prevention is justified, even if it's misguided. Your self doubts make you more cautious than usual, but that's the best attitude to have. Even if signing on the dotted line can't lead to the upheaval you imagine, your caution is worth it.


Your ego means more to you than anything, even family. Lucky for you this is a temporary feeling. You won't want to regret your actions at the end of the day, so don't forget to nurture your family and friends, with or without the impulse to do so.

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The key to productivity is finding what motivates you and then learning to make it appear. It doesn't take a genie in a bottle so much as it takes self-knowledge. What is your particular driving force? Spend your morning finding out.


Be prepared for serious changes. Earthquake insurance would not be overboard. The further you drill for goods, the more likely it is to happen. If you just can't keep your acquisitiveness in check, consider yourself forewarned.


The more confidence you have, the more respected you will be. That seems like a Catch-22 only to the young and inexperienced. You know enough to work on the former before expecting the latter. It's a day for just that.


Trying to make money without any desire for it is a waste of time. Try to figure out why you're not motivated by any of your usual suspects. It could have to do with your internal projection. Don't be shy. Dig in and find out.


When you try to figure something out and come up with the same wrong answer over and over, it's clear you're not able to be objective. Get another pair of eyes to help you see things for what they really are. Friends are glad to help.


Every career has its ups and downs. You already know to make decisions based on how you feel the majority of the time, not on spur of the moment ideas or feelings. The so-called realization you are having needs further consideration.


You are getting the fuzzy feeling that you're being used. It's not as blatant as being treated as a doormat, but used nonetheless. If money is involved, it's easy enough to trace the origins of your nagging feelings. Emotions, however, are a more complicated matter.

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