Your Daily FinanceScope for July 29, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Don't get upset. Things aren't going wrong, exactly, as much as they're going slowly. Everyone is moving at such an unhurried pace you'd think it was the day before Thanksgiving. Don't bother complaining.


You'll be focused on relationships soon enough. For now, muster as much intensity as you can when it comes to making money. Be downright passionate about it.


Just as tomorrow is the wrong time to think about a diet, today is the wrong time to be thinking about conserving money. You just can't put on a big spread and save your pennies at the same time. Get shopping.


Emotional intensity is kicking you from behind. It's one day early, but it will affect your ability to make the right decisions. Avoid committing your money to anything you are unsure of.


You certainly have enough money to nurture you family. In fact, you could be killing them with kindness this time of year. Be sure to do more than just be thankful. Give to those who are less fortunate.

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Taking care of yourself and helping to take care of others is no longer an unrealistic goal. Be generous when figuring out how much you can afford to give. In fact, delve deep.


You're in business, but you may be the only one who is. Not much money changes hands today when it comes to acquiring possessions, so be generous with it instead.


The lure of tomorrow is downright magnetic. Don't let it lead you astray like a siren. There is money to be made and ends to wrap up before you call it a day.


You've given your consciousness a run for the money, and now it's time to give your subconscious a turn. Make wild picks based on nothing but hunches, and keep track of the results.


It's not a good day for decision making. Most of the input you need is missing, for one. And it's hard to be objective, for another. Table all assessments until you can.


It's time to re-focus, from career to home. But you can still make some money before shifting gears, if you just can't silence your feelings about ambition.


When the pool starts thinning out, it's time to watch out for sharks. That's because there's less and less to interest them. Don't stick out like a sore thumb just for the sake of an extra buck.

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