Your Daily FinanceScope for July 12, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You're not exactly embracing your new financial circumstances with enthusiasm. That makes perfect sense. But if you start putting out feelers, you'll see that life can be just as meaningful with less money.


Don't rush out and make purchases. Don't even bother shopping around for a deal. The best strategy is to do nothing at all when it comes to parting with your money.


You're too busy imparting wisdom to take any advice from friends. Even listening to the experts wouldn't have saved you, but if you pretend it would have you will have learned a valuable lesson.


A lack of funds has you sweating bullets. But why react emotionally? That would only be like trying to put out fire with fire, so choose to play it cool instead.


Sure, you know that having a good time doesn't take anything fancy, but something fancy doesn't exactly hurt, either. Come up with a cheap way to thrill or be thrilled, and learn something new while you're at it.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


If you go out with friends, be prepared to share your resources. On the other hand, if you don't have any idea if you have enough to share in the first place, then take your time figuring it out before making any plans.


Unfortunately, the day is not just about romance or relaxation. Business sneaks into the picture. It's ultimately the best thing for your bottom line, so don't resent a little one on one negotiating.


It's the one day of the week that you're not out for gain. Be sure to stick to your guns about it, too. When someone approaches you with pitches for big bucks, it just looks ugly.


The difference between today and any other day of the week is that you'll be getting a lot done, but having fun with it. That, and you'll be spending money instead of making it. Enjoy both aspects.


You're only postponing the inevitable, even if it feels like you're holding onto the last shred of security and stability. But the inevitable has to wait one more day anyway, with or without your denial, so try to relax and enjoy life.


Free yourself from financial burdens of the mental variety. Focus on the avant-garde or bohemian side of your life. And if there isn't one, then creating one will be electrifying.


You need a change of pace, if not a change of planet. The bottom line you're toe to toe against all week is unambiguous. For today, let yourself dwell in the land of puzzles, riddles and illusions.

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