Your Daily FinanceScope for January 19, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Consider yourself a hearty plant. You've weathered a storm and now you're even sending some tentative new shoots out to explore the territory. It may be a while before you harvest anything but the metaphor alone should sustain you.


There are so many bargains out there, you're tempted to shop around. The only problem is that it's not a bargain if you can't afford it in the first place. Let yourself be slowed down by common sense.


Don't base your financial future on hopes and wishes. It's time to take the initiative, even if it's accompanied by some kicking and screaming. It may not be pleasant but it's effective.


Anatomy is the theme for the day. Your tongue and your brain are involved in a foot race. If you can think before speaking, you'll end up way ahead. Otherwise, keep one hand over your wallet.


If you shiver when a shadow passes over you, it could be nothing more than a lack of warmth. On the other hand, it could be a 'there but for the grace of God go I' moment. For the most bang for the buck, hope it's the latter.

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You may be low on funds but you're still breathing. You're too high spirited to give up. And besides, fighting back is what gives you your true sense of purpose. Make the most out of being the underdog.


Are things really as bad as all that? The image your mind's eye is projecting is bleak, but give yourself a reality check. As long as you have the basics you've got all you really need. The rest, after all, are merely luxuries.


The person who claims to not be out for gain is the one who will wipe your bank account clean. You know the one. They're as selfless as can be and urge you to be the same. Don't let them pull your heartstrings.


The romance is gone, and you don't know how to get it back. Not without money, anyway. There is one little secret you don't know, and it doesn't cost a penny. It's that romance and fun walk hand in hand.


You've sacrificed a lot to get ahead financially. Don't waste time wondering why you did it. Just make good use of the lemons life has given you and offer a childish toast to your ancestors.


The ebb and flow of money is a mystery, but there must be a pattern to it all. Even if there is one, then where this phase fits in is still unidentified. Make figuring it out your whodunit.


You're in the bewildered and befuddled stage, but you're about to snap out of it. Why all the money went down the drain isn't as important as the fact that it's gone. Time to step out of the haze and get back to work.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.