Your Daily FinanceScope for January 14, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Your vision of the future seems less like a carrot on a stick and more like a tease now. But you don't have to give up on it altogether. You just need to add a serious dose of patience to the mix.


One good thing about lowering financial expectations is that other things just don't matter as much, either. It's a lot harder to get a rise out of you these days. But someone tries to do it, even though the game is only penny ante. Don't bite.


Now that you've had some time for thought, you can see that most things in your life are not really as foreign as they first seemed. Yep, the shock is starting to wear off. Welcome to the new normal.


People are entitled to their own opinions. Except when money is involved, that is. Try not to fly off the handle over someone else's ideas about just how your finances should be handled.


You may not be making headway, but given current conditions, going sideways can be considered making progress. As long as you're not moving backwards, you're ahead of the game.

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It's a brave new world, so don't count on anything being regular or routine. Experiment with things a bit. You may find that your biggest asset going forward is an open mind.


Life is a challenge. Even the state you're in can be fun if you have the right attitude. Getting it can take some creativity but once you conjure it up, hold onto it for the duration.


Problems at home aren't exactly unexpected. If you and family members disagree over the details, remind yourself of the basics. And if all else fails, remember that you're all working hard towards improving the bottom line.


You'll get an unexpected boost in your mood. If it's been a while since you've impressed anyone, it will come as a welcome surprise. Be open to it, even when interacting with strangers.


The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. And that doesn't even include the schemes. If you want your future to pan out, you've got to lay an honest foundation. Start today.


You have one thing going for you, but it's a big one. Your high energy can tide you over as long as you use it on things that are worth it. Once you start squandering it like money, you're lost.


Daydreaming about the future can either fan the flames of your discontent or help you come up with a realistic map. As long as they don't involve winning the lottery, let yourself indulge in fantasies.

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