Your Daily FinanceScope for February 21, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Don't give an ardent response to a business prospect that's simply doing a bit of light exploring. Bowling them over won't be impressive. Think of their overture as you would a flirtatious glance in a bar -- nothing more, nothing less.


If you're feeling torn between spending your money right away and waiting for a better deal, then welcome to the world of marketing. You shouldn't even be tempted. Hold onto your money and resist being rushed.


Hoping, wishing and even planning won't get your goals accomplished. It's time to take the initiative with your own life. Ask for a bit of advice, do some research -- but then be sure to take some action.


It's hard to let bygones be bygones. Your emotions are aroused by your excellent memory today. It might make sense to hold this particular grudge, especially if that means protecting your money from being burned twice.


You're learning something new today. It may hurt but it will ultimately make your life better. Try to have a good time while you're at it because it's a lesson that is unavoidable.

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Avoiding people who are itching for a fight will be your first order of business today -- and just might be your only one for the entire day. If you start running out of maneuvers or feel yourself getting engaged, remind yourself what the true point of it all is.


You want to do nothing but focus on friends and loved ones, but business matters beckon. Don't cry. It's not as bad as all that, unless you make it a bigger deal than it is. The extra money you will make should put a smile on your face.


Helping others is satisfying and even necessary for your happiness, but remember, you're not a charity. You're in it to make a profit so don't give away the store. Know when to say no.


You'll get more done today than you usually get done in a week if you harness your energy correctly. Having fun is an integral part of doing it right. Make a game out of it and you'll find yourself falling in love with work all over again.


If you want to know how good you've got it, take a look over your shoulder at your ancestors. You're living a pretty cushy life in comparison. If that reminder doesn't ease your worries, nothing will.


You're not exactly avant garde by nature, but being too conservative could hold you back. Don't go hog wild, though; simply keeping things on the informal side will boost your chances of success today.


You're too sophisticated to be taken in by smoke and mirrors but a good counterfeit could pull the wool over your eyes today. There's no way for you to pick it out yourself. Call in an expert for the appraisal.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.