Your Daily FinanceScope for December 30, 2021

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You are slowly acquiring many of the things on your wish list. So why do you feel so dissatisfied? It could be time to revise what remains on your list, or it could be time to acknowledge something deeper that you already know.


It doesn't take money to make you feel good, but it sure can make you miserable. It's your day to suffer over finances. Luckily for you, it's only a temporary state, more mental than monetary.


Making money makes you want to celebrate, in one way and one way only. You don't need to overeat to acknowledge your success, though. You can talk about it until the cows come home, instead -- with the right company, of course.


You've come up with some crazy ideas in your day, but this is the craziest. It's so oddball, even you have your doubts. That won't stop you from trying it out, though. Just be sure you don't invest much money into it.


There are a few legal issues you have to sort out before starting any new projects. If you handle them right, they won't break the bank. But if you don't address them in a timely manner, there won't be any point in taking on anything new anyway.

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You want to experience something new but traveling on a shoestring doesn't appeal to you. You can find new worlds right here at home if you keep your eyes open. It can be just as interesting at a fraction of the cost.


You need all your creature comforts to keep you calm today. Luckily for you, they are cheap or free, and at your disposal. When you feel yourself flying off the handle, retreat.


Not everything in your day has to be intense, you know. You can spend some time just feeling sort of... fine. In fact, your interest in extreme emotions is draining you of valuable energy. Save it for what's really valuable.


All of your responsibilities seem mundane and beneath you. Someone has to do them, though, so tackle them with gusto. The more enthusiasm you bring to these dull tasks, the more likely your day will improve.


You love a good discount. But learning of one will only make you buy something you really don't need. That doesn't save you a penny, now does it? Be frugal and smart at the same time.


You're bored -- with your past and your present. Don't let that cloud how you see your future. Spice things up while you still can. Start plotting your course to success.


Everything you've bet on suddenly seems like an illusion. That's a bit extreme but not exactly untrue. Now that you are seeing things for what they are, tweak both your investments and your plans.

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