Your Daily FinanceScope for December 18, 2021

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


What you consider frank, others consider insulting. You're better off erring on the side of caution when having a delicate conversation today. The results are more than a matter of social standing; money is at stake.


Someone sees right through you today and it's a humbling experience. That's the good part. Learning that your charm is nothing more than the sparkle of fool's gold will change you in ways the real thing couldn't. It goes without saying it's change for the better.


Don't be too inflexible in your thinking. You need to be able to bob a weave, as circumstances warrant. Digging your heels in could leave you way too vulnerable. It's not a good time for those kinds of extremes.


Your private problems are spilling over into your professional life, and that's hardly productive. Blocking things out is no longer an option. Take some time off and deal with them once and for all. In the long run, it will be worth the money lost today.


You want some fun and you'll go out on a limb to get it. As long as that doesn't entail overspending, let yourself go way out there. Don't be bothered by the petty concerns of those who wish you would play it safe. Use that kind of caution only when it comes to your finances.

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You're the heavy today. When everyone else sees all systems go, you have to put up a big, fat red light. It's not that you don't want things to succeed, it's that you see the booby traps others are blind to.


Current projects are a nice balance between sensibility and excitement. Your practical side gets indulged while your wilder side is thrilled with the bottom line. Enjoy the new normal.


When something seems too good to be true, it goes without saying it is. And yet? That certain someone sure can be convincing. It will take all the willpower you can muster to resist their pitch. On the other hand, if you give in, not much will be lost.


Good feelings come from unexpected places today. Friendship, money, a good cup of coffee -- those are all the usual suspects. Your emotional windfall comes when you least expect it, from a source you will never imagine.


You want your bills paid off, yesterday. Keep dreaming. It doesn't seem possible you'll ever get where you want to be going at this snail's pace, but you will if you just keep at it. Snails don't have one foot to put in front of the other, now do they?


Who knew that realizing a profit could be so darn exciting? You're much more willing to put in all the dull, sensible drudgery now that you finally see what it's all for. Enjoy the mental connections.


Everyone thinks they know best, but when the boss speaks, you're supposed to play right along with them. If, however, by some chance you find yourself letting your opinions be known, don't kick yourself for being a blabbermouth. Your honesty will be rewarded.

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