Your Daily FinanceScope for December 13, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You need a way out, and it's never too late to start exploring your options. If you're frank and open about what you need, you could start seeing blood coming from a stone. Or something equally amazing.


Not everything of value has to do with money, as you already know. That goes for your investments, too. Don't take any financial risks, but do stick your neck out in other ways.


You'd have to take good times to a level of intensity if you wanted to drown out the hammering sounds of your anxiety. On the other hand, you're strong enough to face the music without going to any extremes. All you need is a deep breath.


The time to be careful is now. Once you're toe to toe with the deadline, you'll be out of wiggle room. Pick through all the details as if you were looking through oysters for pearls.


When you're bothered by the tiniest of the tiny and the pettiest of the petty, you should know it has more to do with your own anxiety than with the outer world. Keep your fiery responses in check.

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You still have responsibilities to the rest of society, even though your instincts are to take care of only you and yours. Consider debts to be family obligations and you'll feel connected to all the strangers around you.


When you finally get to the bottom line, it's a lot better than you feared it would be. Things in life are finally getting balanced and not a moment too soon. That they might actually go up from here is not unrealistic.


Your personal philosophy has nothing to do with it. The final number has to do with something much larger than you. So be careful if someone tries to convince you that there's room to fudge.


Confidence is invaluable but it's no substitute for action. In fact, the numbers can't read your mood. So don't spend any extra time on pep talks. Dig in instead.


Just keep slogging through all the numbers before you. It doesn't seem possible that you'll ever come up with a final result, but you will if you persevere. Being ahead of the game is the cherry on top.


You're not making all the necessary connections. Some of the ones you're missing could save you a lot of money. It might be worth asking the advice of a professional on this one.


Do you really want to count on luck being on your side for the next seven years? You're better off doing the right things now instead. The ultimate boss is always paying attention anyway.

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