Your Daily FinanceScope for August 17, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You love doing things without too much planning, but that's no way to get ahead. If you wait for whatever the wind blows your way, the best investments will be gone, and so will the best purchases. A bit of preparation could go a long way.


Don't bother being charming. Not because you can't win people over, but because you don't want to draw any extra attention to yourself. When it comes to all things financial, mum's the word. Keep your poker face on.


Don't be too inflexible in your thinking regarding your money. Being strict with your budget is admirable, but being completely inflexible makes you a pariah. Today only magnifies any extremes in spending or the lack of it.


You know it's wrong, and yet you can't help but think about all the things you'd love to buy yourself. But don't be fooled, these temptations are nothing compared to how much you want to spend on others. You're not even torn, just indulging in a bit of fantasy.


Even those with a passion for travel cringe at the logistics sometimes. You'll be thinking of all the money you'll save by not wanting to get out there and explore for a change. Go ahead: Break with tradition. Satisfy your sense of adventure right here at home.

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Your list of friends and family gets longer. That's normally a good thing, except for when they have birthday parties. The obligations you have are starting to feel like a burden. Put the fun back in going over your list once and checking it twice.


Your current projects don't look like they'll amount to much. Things look good when seen in the light of the future. Keep up the good work and it'll be an excellent vehicle to take you into a great future.


You're always lusting after the next best thing, but you haven't learned yet that larger and newer isn't always better. Don't let yourself get caught up in the trendy buy of the moment. You should know by now to look for pearls in small packages.


It's time to focus on friendship and good feelings, but there's work to be done, too. No matter how confident you are that you'll wrap things up, you're shaving it too close for comfort. Be your own Scrooge and stay focused.


Don't waste your day fantasizing about the future. When it does arrive, you'll be dealing with the time-honored realization: Wherever you go, there you are. You won't be rich or famous by then, but you will bring a wealth of insights with you.


You think you know your friends, but something makes you see them in a white new light. They're either spending way more than you or way less. It's not the amount itself that's so important, it's your utter surprise.


You have a great idea. So great, in fact, you can hardly keep it to yourself. You'll ruin everything if you blab, so zip your lips tighter than Fort Knox. Shooting yourself in the foot pales compared to the financial damage you'll do yourself if you talk.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.