Your Daily FinanceScope for April 29, 2023

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


Don't bother going down the beaten path. Do some pioneering and choose your own route. It may or may not pay off, but you know the tried and true route won't.


Be careful of other people. They're under even more pressure than you are. If you can't bend over backwards to be kind when you encounter others, then do the world a favor and stay home.


Unless you're sure you come from the same angle, then just keep your opinions to yourself. No one wants to hear your theories, about money or otherwise. Preaching, as usual, won't help get your point across.


Don't feel like you can't afford to do something for yourself. It's more accurate to say you can't afford not to. You're beyond due for some self nurturing. Lay it on thick.


Your motivations might be less than noble, but that doesn't mean the outcome is. Things get complicated whenever money is involved. Don't be bothered by petty doubts and self criticism.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


You want nothing more than to rush past this unproductive time, but it can't be avoided. Think of it as trekking through the desert. Keep an oasis in sight at all times.


The right combination of intellect and idealism is what you need to keep a less than scrupulous financial partner in check. It's a shame you're the only one exploring such high ideas, but taking the high road is definitely the way to go.


You already know that when something looks too good to be true, it probably is. But in desperate times, you're more likely to kid yourself than you are to have anyone else pull the wool over your eyes. Stay clear headed.


Goodwill is more important than ever. Good feelings are the rule rather than the exception today. But on the off chance you feel, well, off, know that it's a temporary thing and not one to bet the bank on.


If you managed to hold onto your values when times were flush, it's not idealistic to imagine holding onto them now. For some reason it takes a bit more discipline for you now but keep fighting the good fight.


Some days it feels like you're the only one fighting off a band of thieves. In fact, those thugs are on your team. You might not have done your due diligence when forming this particular group, but it goes without saying you will in the future.


Don't go blabbing your opinions, especially when it comes to what got you all into your financial mess. The truth is, nothing would have avoided it. Not because your boss did the right thing, but because they had so much company.

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