Your Daily DogScope for September 30, 2021

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You're insensitive only where words are concerned. When it comes to emotions, you're hyper aware. So even if you sit when you're told to fetch or roll over when you're asked to heel, you and your human are still in sync.


Your humans seem to be loosening their tight grip on their finances. You might be tempted to make a few changes yourself, but don't take the risk. Chewing on anything that has to be replaced is still out of the question.


Rome wasn't built in a day. Barking may seem to get you nowhere but don't give up. Even if it's only an emotional outlet, it will have served its purpose -- there's just no such thing as being too dogmatic today.


Being selfish is not in your nature. You live to please your humans, but today you need to focus on yourself for a change. It's not that your owners are any less deserving, just that they're not around to lavish your attention on.


You usually know how to separate what really counts from what's irrelevant. But today you're bothered by something downright petty. From silly hats to the wrong chow, your humans had better tread carefully.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.


When your human repeats something over and over, you know it's a word you've got to get the hang of. But this time, you're ready to quit. Don't. You'll get your epiphany, and your biscuit, if you keep on listening.


Your humans have been too intellectual for their own good. It's time to bring them back down into the realm of feelings. Start by showing them yours, in a big way.


If a big biscuit is good, then a larger one must be better. This seems to make sense but actually, it doesn't. Too much of a good thing can lead to a bad day. Don't trust your gut on this one.


Every new patch of grass deserves a bit of exploration. Why pass up a good opportunity? Your owners may not agree, but you know just how to insist, leash or no leash.


Some days you and your owner are like two peas in a pod, but not today. You feel like you're from the dog planet while they're from earth, or is it the other way around? Don't worry, you'll be back to feeling like best friends with lightning speed.


Your connections to your humans have become too much about leashes and commands and not enough about feelings. Remind them that you're friends above all else.


Thinking before barking makes no sense to you. That's because thinking and barking feel like one and the same most of the time. If you can find that split second between the two, you'll be on your way to the big biscuits.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!