Your Daily DogScope for October 29, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Other dogs can have their goals. All you want to do is follow a good leader. All groups need dogs like you, Aries, so even if you blend into the pack, know you are a valuable member.


You're not the only one who thinks another human is odd. Others just have more tolerance than you do. So keep your opinion to yourself, rather keep the barking to a minimum.


Standing around chewing the fat -- that's just foreign to you. You're a dog of action, and you expect the same from your human. Don't let them get too intellectual on your daily walks.


Now that your owner has some extra money, you're getting a midday walk. Just don't expect it to be the same with a dog walker as it is with your human, Cancer. Watch for differing ideas.


Why does your human cling so tightly to the leash? They need to just let it go. Or do they? Slip your collar once and you may miss the cold comfort of the lead. Surprise, Leo.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!


The pants, the stride, the jingle in the pockets -- none of the above. Something is off, but you can't tell what. Don't worry about it, Virgo. The difference is of no consequence.


The fighting is over. Now that you understand your packmates, it's easy to get along with them. A sniff on the rear is a mere greeting, a bark a quick hello.


You have the urge to redecorate -- yourself. Don't be surprised by loud outbursts all along the way, Scorpio. Harmony in the doghouse won't be restored until you've had a thorough bath.


Communication is important, and more than a mere 'no.' Your owner needs to use some creativity when trying to get a message across. Otherwise, how are you to blame for not connecting the dots?


Your human needs to think about the future. Being home with you all day is lots of fun, but what about the bank account? A gentle chew on a leather wallet is a reminder that money matters.


Excitement levels at the dog park are high, and you're not sure why. You don't need to know, Aquarius. Just have a great day and enjoy the energy.


You thought that joining with other dogs made you stronger than being solo, so you became part of a pack. Then you imagined long walks and getting your owner in shape, so you dragged them along. Keep up the sage act, Pisces.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.