Your Daily DogScope for November 23, 2021

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Just last week you were bored with it all, but life suddenly feels like a whole new ballgame. It's more a game of fetch than a spectator sport for a change. Just the way you like it.


A good bath has the unusual side effect of making you even more charming to humans. You experience the same strange reaction today but sans the bath. The cleansing you've been through had to do with bigger tidal waters.


You feel more like partners than owner and pet today. Enjoy the feeling while it lasts, because you'll be back on a short leash before you know it. For now, let yourself take the mile you're being given.


You know being selfish is wrong, and yet you don't want to put your owner first today. It's okay to have one day per year when you're not the most obedient of all possible dogs, but don't expect any biscuits, either.


You don't have boundless energy. You have to save some of it for what really matters, like affection and long walks. Don't waste it on trivial things like the mail or a passing interloper.

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Are your humans your obligation or do you enjoy their company? Truth be told, it's a little of both. Guarding them is more a burden than a pleasure today, but that doesn't mean you won't be doing it.


If understanding your owner's feelings is your current project, then you're suddenly seeing a lot of progress. It's almost effortless to understand what motivates them to give you biscuits, and what has the opposite effect. Enjoy.


You've become so used to being on the leash that you've forgotten all about what it's like to be free of one. Go ahead, let yourself be impulsive for once. It's worth the slight risk.


Expect the unexpected is the motto you live by. You're always on the alert for possible prey, even though its presence is less than likely, all things considered. So it comes as a surprise when you're caught off guard today. Sigh.


You may seem domesticated but your animal nature is just waiting to pounce. Everything has to be just right, but you'll experience the perfect storm. The real you makes its debut with unconscious speed.


Now that you understand your owners, move on to their friends. You'll get the perfect opportunity to do just that, and with your quick take on things, you can trust that the biscuits will fly.


You won't keep your lucky streak going by pushing it. On the other paw, you really don't know what keeps it moving forward in the first place. But too much barking is a guarantee of bad feelings from your owners, with or without luck on your side.

What does your karmic journey hold? Discover your destiny with our Karma Report. ✨