Your Daily DogScope for November 22, 2021

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You've made it through an opening and it's time to explore what's on the other side. In general, this is more about universal changes than individual ones, but in your case it could be as literal as a doggie door or a slipped collar.


Your subconscious is not flaring as strongly or as often as it did yesterday, but it's still more active than usual. It's your quarterly opportunity to wax philosophical about how you fit into the grand scheme of life on planet earth. Bottom line, you're still a dog.


Everyone both inside and outside the doghouse is coming from the same angle today, and that means literally everyone. But the split second is over almost before you have a chance to feel it. Keep your ears up for that one precious moment.


Service around the doghouse is basically nonexistent. If you want something, you have to get it yourself. That goes for everything from feeding your belly to nurturing your soul. Luckily, you're in the best possible paws.


The excitement has gone out of the doghouse and you need a change. Let yourself slip away for some new scenery before the ennui gets the best of you. Consider it the hunter and your soul is the prey.

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You're so sick of pulling to get ahead that you're almost ready to give up and heel. Almost. Part of you wants to just toss in the towel, but the other just won't let you. Keep putting your shoulder into the walk.


The thought crosses your mind that you're not as good at communicating as you always imagined. It could be your humans aren't being stubborn at all. Once you get this concept, responses from them suddenly improve.


Your very freedom is at risk. But then again, how free are you if you're always on the leash? Ignore that question for a moment and remind yourself of how much you love life in the doghouse. Then keep your collar on.


Some days your human acts like your boss, and that's something you just have to tolerate. Today your relationship is more of a friendship. Enjoy the good feelings that shift brings.


Some days your human seems downright untrainable. Don't give up. It seems impossible that they'll ever learn even the simplest cues, but stick with it. If you figure out the right system of rewards, they'll soon be teacher's pet.


You're realizing one pearl of wisdom after another. It's as if all it takes is learning a simple command, and all the other more complex connections are made effortlessly. Enjoy the biscuits.


You're nothing if not a blabber mouth today. At some point you'll lose sight of what set you off, but that won't stop you. You just keep right on barking long beyond running out of things to say.

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