Your Daily DogScope for November 17, 2021

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Stop thinking about your little old self, all alone in the doghouse. Focus on thoughts of your beloved human instead: driving home, entering the subway, thinking of you -- and everything will be fine.


This is the part of your weekly routine you live for. The dull and boring parts just fade away as the day progresses. No one could call either you or your owners lazy today.


It's almost time for fun but your owner still has a bit of intellectualizing to do. You'd hate to contribute to their chucking it all for someone else to take care of, so don't add any guilt to their plate.


You're just not feeling like a homebody, and you'd rather be anywhere but the doghouse. Unfortunately, your humans have differing opinions about how to spend time. You know how to split the difference.


Friendship and spare time are two of your favorite things. Your human's, too. You'll both get your wishes soon enough. For now, you're learning how to bide your time.

Need guidance? Your Numerology Reading is a mystic cheat-sheet to living your full potential.


Every impulse that your human makes is a minor setback for both of you. Unless it's a rare steak, you want nothing to do with it. An uncomfortable basket or an ugly sweater is just for starters.


There has to be the right balance between autonomy and attention from humans. If they don't understand the tipping point, then it's up to you to point it out. Do it gently.


Time spent asleep is not wasted. You'll grab an elusive prey in the form of a subliminal nugget. A rabbit in your dreams is much more than it seems. But don't forget that sometimes a chew toy is just a chew toy.


If life was fair, you'd all be eating the lion's share of meat, but you're the one eating according to the pyramid. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Continue the begging, uninterrupted.


You let your humans focus on their work all week, and it's only fair that you get some time to focus on yours today. Unfortunately, all's not fair in the doghouse. You don't get to connect with your pack no matter how hard you try.


It's tempting to give your owner the cold shoulder after a week of neglect, but it's a lot harder than it sounds. You'll connect, as usual. Save the lessons for another day.


You're settling the score in the oddest ways. You've always felt you owed your humans more affection than you've given them, and today's a good one to make things even. The same goes for the rest of the doghouse. You can draw the line at the cat.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!