Your Daily DogScope for November 15, 2021

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


The troublemakers are hard at work at the dog park. It's all you can do to keep from getting into a dogfight. Or two. Or three. Some days being around other dogs is fun, but today it's just another of your daily challenges.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the eyes of many beholders. It would take loads more charm than you have to win over a particular pooch. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.


Don't count on mind reading today. It's usually relatively easy to get your message across, but today your owner is too preoccupied with other things to notice. You'll have to be blunt.


For once you don't mind cleaning up, in your own special way. Last night's festivities is your lunch of choice, and you have the doghouse all to yourself. Dig in.


You don't have any extra energy to burn today. Being conservative with what you have is your best bet at having any left at all by the time your human returns. You'll enjoy spending the day in your basket for a change.

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What makes sense to you is idiocy to your human, and vice versa. They may have the opposing thumbs but you have the oppositional nature. Dig your paws in and insist on your way.


It's not that you hold a grudge, it's that the mail offends over and over again. You'd gladly let it all go if only the mail would. Explaining this to your human, though, is just wasting your breath. Save it for those who understand.


It's the perfect day for exposing secrets, much like any other day. You're giving them all away where a certain human is concerned, and you hardly even know when you're doing it. Good dog.


You won't win any prizes for getting to the finish line first, but you may win the Most Thorough Dog On The Block award. You're covering all the details on your walk, and no amount of pulling or shoving can stop you.


Being grounded is fine with you. There are worse places to be confined than the back yard. While you're stuck there, you might as well continue where you left off, doing research.


When you get flustered, it's hard to see beneath the other dog's fur, and that's where all the important information is. So don't let yourself be backed into a corner. Raise your own fur the minute you realize what's happening.


You're never too critical of your human. In fact, you accept them exactly as they are. Not so another dog. Be ready for the first signs of raised fur, and don't bother wondering what it's a reaction to.

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