Your Daily DogScope for May 20, 2024

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You have no problem taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves. That humans have a pejorative word for what comes so easily to you is a mystery. You won't let them make you feel bad about your MO.


Persuading humans is not your strong suit. They just don't respond well to your constant barking. If they could see things for what they are, they'd hear the ideas behind a life-changing sermon. As it is, the only kind of peace they want is from a lack of noise. Sigh.


You wish someone else's owner would pull back on their leash for a change. In fact, you wouldn't mind seeing them hauled right out of the dog park. Putting up with them will make you a stronger dog, but you won't know that until you go through it.


Dealing with all safety issues around the doghouse falls on your capable shoulders. Your owners may have alarms but they're no match for your ears, eyes, nose or, of course, vocal cords. The entire set gets exercised today.


Life should be embraced with enthusiasm or not at all. Today you're choosing not at all. Rolling over in your basket is just about the only form of exercise you want for yourself today. The rest of the doghouse had better remind themselves of the old saw about letting sleeping dogs lie.

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Fun is, well, fun, but you want something more. The stirrings of romance have you on the prowl for something more than fetch and tug of war. But the dog park is still the best place to meet that certain someone. But prepare to be distracted by all the fun and games.


You're feeling maudlin and sappy. You have no clear images of your puppyhood but you're convinced it must have been grand. You're humans are just about as sappy as you are. There must be something going around the doghouse. You'll snap out of it by evening.


You're used to having different ideas about which direction to go in. Pulling to get your way is nothing new to you but it's a big effort for your owner when other humans are involved. If they've learned nothing else from watching you, it should be how to assert themselves. They get their chance to practice the real thing today.


Music is suddenly making the tiniest bit of sense to you. You can almost see why your humans enjoy it so much. Now, if they could understand why you love the odors you do, then life would be just about perfect. Nice image, but don't hold your breath.


The ingredients for a great day are actually quite simple. You have most of them on hand already, if not in the pantry then elsewhere in the doghouse. Mix them together for your own unique concoction of fun.


You're dog tired, and there's no reason not to admit it. The basket is your best friend and favorite retreat today. Keep your head under one paw and ignore anything that may be going on around you. The doghouse can function without you.


You live to kowtow to your alpha. It makes you uncomfortable when there isn't one around, as if something crucial is missing. You have to make due all by yourself today. It's the closest you'll come to feeling naked.

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