Your Daily DogScope for May 07, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You can accomplish a lot if you work in groups -- knocking over trash cans and menacing cats comes to mind. But is that really the kind of pack you want to be a part of? Find more like minded dogs.


Go ahead and pull. You and your human may be having a power struggle, but it's your power struggle. There's nothing quite like an outsider stepping in with some unsolicited advice to bring the two of you together.


It used to be that someone radically new would appear at your doorstep each and every day. Have you settled down or have your human's habits changed? Either way, enjoy your sleep.


Your human's commands are just too dry to follow. If they put a bit of emotion into it, it would be a lot easier for you to sit and stay. But you can match their intellect by imagining the pay off. Some saliva should motivate you.


There's always one dog who ruins the game by running off with the ball. Don't let it be you. Don't cling too tightly when the goal is to let go every once in a while.

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You are nothing if not a creature of habit. Is your whole routine changed or is something as simple as a new leash spoiling your mood? Even if it's both, try to enjoy.


It happens to the best of them. You suddenly understand why other dogs were so interested in fun and bored by romance. Whether it's the life-altering event or something less severe, welcome to the club.


Whether it's an unexpected outburst from your humans or the sound of a thunderstorm, something has you running for the covers. They don't call them comforters for nothing, so don't let yourself be shoved aside.


If only keeping an open mind came as naturally to humans as it does to you. But don't forget that it doesn't, or you may hear shouts of disapproval instead of greetings when you try to connect with strangers.


Unfortunately, your vision of the future doesn't extend further than the time it takes to get what you're begging for. If it did, you'd be able to come up with a more effective approach. Think about changing your style.


With all the excitement you feel, you can't help but share your vision. Whether people will be affected by it is another matter. Rope your humans into loving life.


The front door, the back door, the bowl -- there's just too much to do to focus, much less do a good job. Give yourself a break, and be the perfect guard dog in your dreams.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!