Your Daily DogScope for May 02, 2024

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Everyone in the doghouse is moving slowly this morning. Matter of fact, what are they doing up at all? Your humans seem to have reinvented their regular schedule yet again. No one can blame you for wishing for a more permanent wake up time.


You're feeling too good to let anything bother you, even sharing your owner's attention. If they can relate to another human or even another dog, then so be it. The sky's the limit with your love and affection and today you'll allow as much for your humans, as well.


Your humans' interactions with neighbors is off today, but you can't put your dew claw on exactly what's wrong. The weirdness could stem from something as complicated as where you do your business or as simple as keeping a happy secret, like a present or a surprise party.


When your owners socialize, so do you. But you shouldn't be limited to their schedule or their choice of friends. If you prefer those on four legs to those who walk upright, you know just what to do, and when.


Nothing can satisfy the bottomless pit that is your stomach. If there's the hint of food, you're begging for it. Luckily for you, though, your human knows enough to make sure you don't overindulge. Seems like catch-22 but be grateful for what you're not given.

Are you meant to be? Find out with our Love Compatibility Report!


You don't always have to sit under the kitchen table to get your scraps. Your owners are welcome to eat wherever their hearts desire, as long as they bring you a doggie bag. The fare can be unusual or the regular chow; just let them know they forget the leftovers at their own peril.


Kindness and praise are all the pay you need from your humans, but you certainly won't be turning down any treats today. Your income soars, in quantity if not quality. Nice work if you can get it.


You're up for any challenges the day throws you way. Unfortunately, it won't be throwing any your way. You'll have to take the initiative yourself if you want any kind of excitement at all. Even your owner's throwing arm is a weak replacement for fate.


You're happy to oblige the people in your life -- for a price. A biscuit will only get you to do so much. You won't be jumping through any hoops for simple table scraps, either. Wait for your owners to sweeten the pot.


You're fairly conscientious about being good, so why does your owner feel the need to discipline you periodically? It's just their version of the human-dog relationship. If you have to put up with some scolding, at least you also get the obligatory biscuits.


Your humans are a constant source of wonder. Why they choose to talk instead of getting off the couch and doing something physical is yet another mystery. You'll be bored today while they spend hours listening to stories about yesteryear.


When the sweet smells of dinner waft your way, you'll think your owner is sending a love letter just to you. Don't doubt it for a second. Your first impression isn't too far off the mark, although you'll have to share.

Is your job fulfilling? Stay aligned with your Personalized Career Horoscope!