Your Daily DogScope for January 30, 2022

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


You want to communicate, but you should keep the barking short and sweet. You may be annoyed if you owner's ear is glued to the cell phone for the entire walk. Be an easygoing dog and let it go.


You are in a barkative mood. Normally slow and steady, you're out of character as you race ahead of the pack. If you're tempted by something thrown your way, ask yourself, do I really need yet another bone?


You've a keen awareness of your surroundings, and with so much going on it would be hard not to. Don't think too much about it. You don't need to be an intellectual to understand the importance of barking at the vacuum cleaner.


You want to obey your owner, but walking on the wild side is more appealing. No voices of authority could make you submit today, but you can keep your doggy nature under control by listening to your own internal talk.


You appreciate the diversity of dogs under your domain and you know that teamwork is what makes your pack work. You may have to endure a lecture from your own Royal Highness. Pretend you understand what's being said.

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You embody the phrase 'just do it.' Don't go over the finer details. Whatever your work issues, whether chasing the ball or herding, you'll be at your best if you act without thinking.


If you were human, you'd be a poet or a public speaker. As a dog, you find more ways than barking and whining to communicate your innermost self. Your owner understands more than you know.


You've been considering things deeply, or as deeply as you can. The temptation to roam is there, but you're forgetting a minor detail: Who will feed you when you're on the road? It's a wise dog who stays in the yard.


You always reveal your innermost self, and today is no exception. What's to hide? You do a doggie dance at the sound of the keys or wiggle with joy at the sight of your owner.


If you've had a bath recently, and you couldn't be happier. Sit back, relax and enjoy as you experience your New Car Smell.


There's no sense in pulling on the leash, because you encounter no resistance. So take control of your walks. Whether or not you're a pointer, you communicate which direction you want to move in.


You're sick of time in the yard or being in the house alone, and you've been communicating your discontent. If barking your head off has gotten your message across, then rest assured that a real change is on the way.

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