Your Daily DogScope for January 17, 2023

Life is ruff when you’re four-legged and furry with a completely clueless human. Fortunately, our daily Dogscope can brighten those boneless days with a little encouragement and a helping paw.


Your owner is a bit of a visionary, but they'll never get anywhere unless they find people who support their ideas. Be an example to them. Drag them to the park to see your pack in action.


Don't enter into power struggles with dogs simply because they're weird. Rubbing you the wrong way is just what they want. Pretend you can't even see them, even if they look and act outrageous.


Has the dog walker changed radically? Or does someone totally different have a key to your house? It's the later. You'll have to get used to someone new on the other end of the leash.


Protecting your human is your top concern. So flying off the handle seems appropriate, but it's not. A more aloof approach is actually more menacing, so practice the low, rumbling growl.


You don't have to find a different approach. Think laterally instead. If one chair doesn't give up a crumb, move down one. The whole table can't be immune to your charms, so try to make it a game of numbers.

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All it takes is a slight change in your regular routine to get a spring back in your human's step. Let yourself be walked on a new route. You'll be surprised how many new things there are to enjoy if you keep an open mind.


If your human is good at making intellectual connections but not romantic ones, it's time to step in. Wrapping your leash around a new set of ankles might be just the introduction they need.


You know the drill: your human has a run-in with an old family member, then they start rearranging the furniture. Just put up with it. You have no idea how taxing it can be to recognize your relatives when you see them.


Are you impressing strangers or is it the doggy version of spinach on your teeth? Either way, enjoy the attention, because you'll be getting plenty of it.


What's your rush? If you want to be alpha tomorrow, your plan probably won't go very well. But if you're thinking of being crowned in the distant future, you have a shot at the throne.


Racing around the park is an attractive proposition, but so is a tasty treat. You'll be stuck on the side lines today, but you may be doing a lot of drooling and not much eating.


You can only try so hard. Here dog, sit dog -- it's all too much. Let your focus grow hazy for the day, until your owner's interest in your obedience has passed.

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